Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a T-Flask


An Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a T-Flask can be created by selecting the following menu option:
Unit Procedures } Inoculum Preparation } in a T-Flask



Operating Mode


Host Equipment


Emissions Port (Vent)


Special Input/Output Ports




This procedure is used to represent a sequence of operations that take place in a disposable T-Flask for inoculum preparation and other applications.

Special Inputs / Outputs



The following operation types are currently supported in the context of this unit procedure:

      Agitate, see Agitation

      Charge, see Charge

      Cool, see Batch Cooling

      Crystallize, see Batch Crystallization

      Distill, see Batch Distillation

      Evacuate, see Evacuation

      Extract / Phase Split, see Batch Extraction / Phase Split

      Ferment (Kinetic), see Batch Kinetic Fermentation

      Ferment (Perfusion), see Perfusion Stoichiometric Fermentation

      Ferment (Stoichiometric), see Batch Stoichiometric Fermentation

      Gas Sweep, see Gas Sweep

      Heat, see Batch Heating

      Hold, see Holding

      Pressurize, see Pressurization

      Pull In, see Pull In

Pull Out, see Pull Out

Purge / Inert, see Purging / Inerting

React (Equilibrium), see Batch Equilibrium Reaction

React (Kinetic), see Batch Kinetic Reaction

React (Stoichiometric), see Batch Stoichiometric Reaction

Sample, see Sampling

Split (Component Flow), see Batch Component Splitting

Transfer In, see Transfer In

Transfer Out, see Transfer Out

Vaporize / Solvent Switch, see Batch Vaporization / Solvent Switch

Vent, see Batch Vaporization / Solvent Switch: Mat. Balance Tab (Solvent Switch Mode)

See Also

The following procedures offer a similar functionality:

Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a Rocking Bioreactor

Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a Roller Bottle

Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a Shake Flask

Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a Test Tube

Batch Vessel Procedure in a Reactor