Batch Component Splitting

General Description

This operation models material removal from a vessel, tank (or other equipment). The removal is based on user-specified percentage or mass amount for each component.

Unit Procedure Availability

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Reactor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Seed Reactor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Bioreactor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Seed Bioreactor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Disposable Bioreactor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Disposable Seed Bioreactor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Fermentor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Seed Fermentor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Disposable Bioreactor

      Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a Rocking Bioreactor

      Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a Roller Bottle

      Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a T-Flask

      Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a Shake Flask

      Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a Test Tube

      Batch Distillation Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Blending Tank Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Flat Bottom Tank Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Receiver Tank Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Horizontal Tank Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Vertical-on-Legs Tank Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Drum Procedure

      Batch 3x3 Generic Box Procedure

      Batch 5x5 Generic Box Procedure

      Batch 10x10 Generic Box Procedure

Batch Component Splitting: Modeling Calculations

Material Balances

Select one of the available output streams for this operation as split stream. Note that multiple split operations can use the same split stream. In such a case, if you visit the dialog of that stream, you will see the sum of all materials transferred using that stream.

Two options are available for specifying the component mass balances: you can either set the component splits from the selected component source to the output stream or the retained components of the selected source in the final contents. As component source, you may choose among three different options (total contents, liquid phase or vapor phase).

If you select the option to set the component splits to the output stream, then for each component you must specify either the split percentage or split amount from the selected component source to the output stream. If you select the option to set the retained components in the final contents, then for each component you must specify either the retained percentage or retained amount of the selected component source in the final contents. Based on the specified component data, the program will solve the component mass balances to calculate the component amounts that must be split to the selected output stream and the component amounts that must be retained in the final contents.

If you select total contents or liquid phase as component source, then you can also check the option to consider solids. If that option is checked, then the components table is used to specify component splitting/retention data only for particulate solid components (i.e., undissolved solids, suspended or precipitated). Only pure components that are set as solid through the Pure Component Properties dialog can be set as particulate solids in the components table. Based on the specified component splitting/retention data, the program can solve the mass balances for the particulate solid components in order to calculate the amounts of those components in the selected output stream and in the final contents. In addition to setting one or more solid components as particulate solids and specifying the splitting (or retention) data for those components, you must also specify either the total (particulate and dissolved) or particulate solids percentage of the output stream (or final contents). Based on this information, the program will calculate the total component splitting/retention data of all other components besides particulate solids (i.e., dissolved solids, liquids and gases), assume that the split/retained percentage of each of those components is the same as the total split/retained percentage of those components, and solve the component mass balances for those components to calculate the amounts of those components in the selected output stream and in the final contents.

Equipment Sizing

See Batch Vessel Operations: Equipment Sizing.

Vacuum Pump Power Consumption

See Vacuum Pump Auxiliary Equipment Calculations.

Batch Component Splitting: Interface

The interface of this operation has the following tabs:

      Oper. Cond’s, see Batch Component Splitting: Oper. Conds Tab

      Volumes, see Batch Vessel Operations: Volumes Tab

      Vent/Emissions, see Vessel Operations: Vent/Emissions Tab

      Labor, etc, see Operations Dialog: Labor etc. Tab

      Description, see Operations Dialog: Description Tab

      Batch Sheet, see Operations Dialog: Batch Sheet Tab

      Scheduling, see Operations Dialog: Scheduling Tab