Pull Out

General Description

A Pull Out operation is similar, in concept, to a Transfer Out operation but with one very important difference: the amount of material being transferred out is not directly known and therefore not set by user but computed during simulation.

This operation may result in VOC emissions if volatile compounds are involved; for more details, see Chapter 10  (Emissions).

Unit Procedure Availability

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Reactor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Seed Reactor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Bioreactor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Seed Bioreactor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Disposable Bioreactor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Disposable Seed Bioreactor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Fermentor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Seed Fermentor

      Batch Vessel Procedure in a Disposable Bioreactor

      Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a Rocking Bioreactor

      Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a Roller Bottle

      Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a T-Flask

      Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a Shake Flask

      Inoculum Preparation Procedure in a Test Tube

      Batch Distillation Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Blending Tank Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Flat Bottom Tank Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Receiver Tank Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Horizontal Tank Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Vertical-on-Legs Tank Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Drum Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Drum Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Disposable Generic Container Procedure

      Batch Storage in a Disposable Large Bag (on a Skid) Procedure

      Freezing-Thawing Procedure

      Batch 1x1 Generic Box Procedure

      Batch 3x3 Generic Box Procedure

      Batch 5x5 Generic Box Procedure

      Batch 10x10 Generic Box Procedure

Material Inputs / Outputs

The operation removes the material of the designated pull out stream from material as found in the host vessel at the end of the previous operation (if any). The results of the operation are left as the equipment contents at the end of the charge operation.

Pull Out: Modeling Calculations

The modeling equations of a Pull Out operation are very simple. However, this model is quite unique in the following way: While the majority of models in SuperPro Designer combine variables from input streams and/or the state of the unit procedure (before the operation is executed) with operating conditions and compute variables describing the state of the unit procedure (after the operation) and output streams, this operation operates in reverse: It consults the amount of material demanded at an output stream associated with it (the “pull-out” stream) and it modifies the content of the vessel such that the contents before and after differ by exactly that amount. Since the operation raising the demand for material that is to be satisfied by this pull-out operation is downstream, the solution engine will visit this operation before it visits the material-demanding operation. Therefore, during the first pass of the solution, the pull-out operation will not consider the correct amount demanded. However, SuperPro Designer uses a sophisticated back-propagation scheme that will correct the situation as soon as the downstream operation is reached. When that happens, and as soon as the correct demand is computed, it is propagated backwards, through the network of connectivity, until it reaches:

a)  A pull-out operation in a vessel, or

b)  An input stream with the ‘auto-adjust’ flag turned on.


   If the solution engine never encounters such an operation (that will trigger a backwards propagating scheme) the pull-out operation will remain inactive. In other words, the operation will send on to the output stream whatever amount happened to be from the previous run.

For more details on back-propagating stream demand, see Back-Propagation: Sources (Initiators) & Sinks (Terminals).

Equipment Sizing

See Batch Vessel Operations: Equipment Sizing.

Vacuum Pump Power Consumption

See Vacuum Pump Auxiliary Equipment Calculations.

Pull Out: Interface

The interface of this operation has the following tabs:

      Oper. Cond’s, see Pull Out: Oper. Conds Tab

      Volumes, see Batch Vessel Operations: Volumes Tab

      Vent/Emissions, see Vessel Operations: Vent/Emissions Tab

      Labor, etc, see Operations Dialog: Labor etc. Tab

      Description, see Operations Dialog: Description Tab

      Batch Sheet, see Operations Dialog: Batch Sheet Tab

      Scheduling, see Operations Dialog: Scheduling Tab