Vessel Operations

Most operations in this list are available as part of a reaction, fermentation, or batch generic box procedure. They are hosted by some subtype of a stirred jacketed vessel (for example, a CSTR), or fermentation apparatus (for example, a fermentor), or generic box. Others are used in the context of additional batch procedures such as inoculum preparation and filtration. A typical operation in this list does one or more of the following tasks:

      Carries in material from one or more streams connected as inputs to the procedure.

      Combines any input material with the material that is assumed to be in the vessel at the start of the operation.

      Applies some transformation on the material contents based on the type of the operation and/or the user’s specifications that dictate the conditions under which the transformation is to occur.

      Removes material onto any of the procedure’s outlet streams.

      Determines the state (amount, temperature, pressure) of the equipment contents at the end of the operation.

The currently available vessel operations are:

      Transfer Operations (Charge, Transfer In/Out, Pull-In/Out, see Transfer Operations)

      React (Stoichiometric/Kinetic/Equilibrium reactions, see Reaction Operations)

      Ferment (Stoichiometric/Kinetic/Equilibrium fermentations, see Reaction Operations)

      Agitate, see Agitation

      CIP, see Clean-In-Place (CIP)

      Cool, see Batch Cooling

      Crystallize, see Batch Crystallization

      Distill, see Batch Distillation

      Evacuate, see Evacuation

      Extract / Phase Split, see Batch Extraction / Phase Split

      Gas Sweep, see Gas Sweep

      Heat, see Batch Heating

      Hold, see Holding

      Load and Split, see Load and Split

      Pressurize, see Pressurization

      Purge / Inert, see Purging / Inerting

      Sample, see Sampling

      SIP, see Steam-In-Place (SIP)

      Split (Component Flow), see Batch Component Splitting

      Vaporize / Solvent Switch, see Batch Vaporization / Solvent Switch

      Vaporize / Solvent Switch (Rigorous), see Rigorous Batch Vaporization / Solvent Switch

      Vent, see Venting

      Wash, see Wash (Generic)

The transfer operations will be described in Section Transfer Operations and the reaction and fermentation operations will be described in Section Reaction Operations. The remainder of this section is dedicated to the rest of available vessel operations.