A Gel Filtration Procedure can be created by selecting the following menu option:
Unit Procedures } Chromatography/Adsorption } Gel Filtration
Operating Mode |
Batch/Semi-Continuous |
Host Equipment |
Emissions Port (Vent) |
No |
Special Input/Output Ports |
No |
This unit procedure simulates purification of macromolecules using gel filtration, which is also known as size exclusion chromatography.
The following operation types are currently supported in the context of this unit procedure:
● Load, see Gel Filtration (GFL) Column Loading
● Elute, see Column Elution (Simplified)
● Wash, see Column Wash (Simplified)
● Equilibrate, see Column Equilibration (Simplified)
● Regenerate, see Column Regeneration (Simplified)
● CIP, see Clean-In-Place (CIP)
● Hold, see Holding
● SIP, see Steam-In-Place (SIP)
The following procedures offer a similar functionality:
Packed Bed Adsorption (PBA) Chromatography Procedure (Simplified)
Packed Bed Adsorption (PBA) Chromatography Procedure (Detailed) in Bind-and-Elute Mode
Packed Bed Adsorption (PBA) Chromatography Procedure (Detailed) in Flow-Through Mode
Packed Bed Adsorption (PBA) Chromatography Procedure (Detailed) in Bind-and-Elute Mode
Packed Bed Adsorption (PBA) Chromatography Procedure (Detailed) in Flow-Through Mode
Expanded Bed Adsorption (EBA) Chromatography Procedure
Membrane Adsorption Procedure in Flow-Through Mode
Membrane Adsorption Procedure in Bind-and-Elute Mode