Centrifugation in a Basket Centrifuge (Top Discharge) Procedure


A Centrifugation in a Basket Centrifuge (Top Discharge) Procedure can be created by selecting the following menu option:
Unit Procedures } Centrifugation } in a Basket Centrifuge (Top Discharge)



Operating Mode


Host Equipment

Basket Centrifuge

Emissions Port (Vent)


Special Input/Output Ports




This unit procedure simulates centrifugal filtration for removing suspended solids from a slurry. Cake wash and cake removal (transfer out) also can be modeled. Basket centrifuges are commonly used in the pharmaceutical and specialty chemical industries to recover precipitated or crystallized product.

Special Inputs / Outputs

      Cake Removal: the designated output port for the cake.


The following operation types are currently supported in the context of this unit procedure:

      Filter, see Cloth Filtration

      Wash Cake, see Cake Wash 

      Charge, see Charge

      CIP, see Clean-In-Place (CIP)

      Gas Sweep, see Gas Sweep

      Hold, see Holding

      Purge / Inert, see Purging / Inerting

SIP, see Steam-In-Place (SIP)

Transfer In, see Transfer In

Transfer Out, see Transfer Out

SEe Also

The following procedures offer a similar functionality:

Centrifugation in a Basket Centrifuge (Bottom Discharge) Procedure

Plate and Frame Filtration Procedure

Nutsche Filtration Procedure

Centrifugation in a Decanter Procedure

Centrifugation in a Disk-Stack Centrifuge Procedure