Pro-Designer has a standard, hypertext-based, on-line help (similar to most of today’s Windows applications).
If you are a new user to Pro-Designer software, you may want to visit the tutorial section first. If you have used Pro-Designer software before but you need help on a particular topic, you may search for that topic using the Help Index feature. Also note, that Pro-Designer supports context-sensitive help. If you are in the midst of editing some data in a dialog and have a question about the range or meaning of a specific field or the consequences of choosing one option over another, simply hit F1 (or click on the 'Help' button) and Pro-Designer will provide you with appropriate help information. If you are not sure what a specific unit procedure can accomplish, just select the procedure’s icon and hit F1. Or, click on the button with the arrow and question mark:
Then, select any menu entry in the main menu, or click on any toolbar to see an overview of its button functionality; or, click on any button of any toolbar to view information about that command. Clicking on the ‘?’ button and then selecting a command is an easy way to learn about the capabilities of the program and explore the features available to you by Pro-Designer.
If you are just browsing and want to learn about Pro-Designer‘s features here is the list of subjects that you can visit:
● General
● Tutorial
● Streams
● Process Properties & Simulation
● Exchanging Data with Other Applications