Stream Tags

Streams Name and Description Tag

As soon as a new stream in inserted in the process flowsheet, the program automatically assigns a new name that is displayed in a name tag. The name is always composed of a prefix and a number. The prefix is a section setting that defaults to ‘S-’ (for all sections), but can be modified by the user (for more on sections, see Sections & Branches). The number is chosen to be higher than a threshold value (also a section setting) set by default to 101, but can be modified by the user through the Section Properties Dialog: Auto-Numbering tab. The actual number picked is the first number available higher than the section’s designated starting number that is not already used by any stream currently in the process. Users can change the tag name of the stream at any time. Another label that can accompany the name is the description of the stream.

►    To edit the tag name and/or description of a stream...

1.   Make sure you are in select mode (the SelectModeBtn00010.jpg button is pressed on the main toolbar).

2.   Select the stream (move the mouse over the stream and click once).

3.   From the context menu of the stream, select Edit Labels... to bring up a dialog that displays the current name and description and allows you to type in a new name and/or description.

4.   Type in the new labels (name, description). When you are done editing the labels, exit the dialog by clicking on OK.

The tag name of any stream should not exceed 15 characters in length and should be unique throughout the process file. After typing the new tag name and clicking on OK (or hitting Enter) the system will check if the new tag name provided is unique. If no conflict is detected, then the new tag name of the stream will be displayed; otherwise, you will be prompted to type yet another name or abort the whole renaming process and keep the original name.


The application uses a default font for displaying the tag names of all newly created streams. The font as well as several other characteristics of appearance of the stream in its entirety, are part of the stream’s style (see Stream Style). You can edit the style properties used for all present and future streams in a process (see Default Style for Process Elements) or you can edit the style characteristics of just one stream through its Stream Style Dialog.

The description does not have to be unique and can have a length of up to 63 characters. It is separated from the name by default with a forward slash “/”. The inclusion of the description in the name label as well as the separator character can be specified in the Stream Style Dialog. The description can also be included in the stream’s information tag, see Streams Information Tag for more information.

Even though you cannot move the tag with the mouse (by clicking-and-dragging it to another location), notice that the tag always follows the stream when the stream’s segments are modified (relocated). The application automatically decides where to place the stream tag in relation to the stream’s segments. By default, SuperPro Designer places the stream tag over the vertical segment closest to the start (source) of the stream, and if there’s no such vertical segment (or the available vertical segments are too short to fit the tag), it places it under the first horizontal segment closest to the source of the stream.


Occasionally it may be desired to hide the name tag of a stream. The name tag visibility is also an element of the stream’s style and can be turned on or off through the Stream Style Dialog: Stream Line Tab.

The user can provide his/her own preferences as to where stream tags should appear. There is a special set of attributes in a stream’s style that addresses exactly this issue. These can be found in the Stream Style Dialog: Name Label Location Tab. If the name tag is turned off, this tab will not be part of the Stream Style Dialog.


Setting the tag location preference does not guarantee that the stream tag will appear where the preferences directly dictate as that choice may not be available for a particular stream. For instance, requesting that stream tags appear over the middle of vertical segments closest to the source may not be feasible for some streams as they may not have any vertical segments at all.

Streams Information Tag

Besides the tag that displays the name of the stream, users can request to make visible another tag that can display customizable content. This second tag is called the information tag (or info tag for short). By default, all streams have their info tags turned off. The visibility of a stream’s info tag is also part of the stream’s style and can be turned on or off from the Stream Style Dialog: Stream Line Tab. The contents of the info tag can be a combination of the following stream properties:

1.   Temperature

2.   Pressure

3.   Total Mass Flow

4.   Total Volumetric Flow

5.   Description

6.   Total Enthalpy

7.   Specific Enthalpy

8.   Heat Capacity

9.   Material Flow, Fraction or Concentration

The units chosen are either the defaults (as set at the process level, see Physical Units Options) or the user’s overwrites as set at the stream’s i/o simulation dialog.

You can dictate which combination of values you wish to view on the stream from the Stream Style Dialog: Information Tag Tab. Please note that if the info tag is turned off, this tab will not be part of the Stream Style Dialog. The info tag cannot be moved around using the mouse but it always follows the stream and it is drawn in a location decided by the application. Just like you can dictate your preference as to where you wish to see the name tag displayed, you can also express your preference as to where (relative to the stream’s segments) you wish to have the info tag be displayed. This is specified in the Stream Style Dialog: Info Tag Location Tab.


When a stream has been assigned to an operation, shift-clicking on it will bring up a pop-up dialog that displays the mass flow of the stream as well as the respective operation name.

Quick View of a Stream’s Utilization by a Unit Procedure

When you shift+click on a stream hooked up to a procedure a popup will appear with information that explains how the stream is being utilized by the unit procedure and specifically its mass flow as well as the associated operation name and duration (if applicable).