Stream Style Dialog: Name Label Location Tab


This tab is part of the Stream Style Dialog and can be accessed by right-clicking on any type of stream and selecting Style } Edit Style from the context menu of the application.

This dialog allows you to define your preferences regarding the location of the stream’s name tag.

You express your preference for the location of the tag by specifying the following two specifications:

a)     Segment (Horizontal, Vertical); you may specify either a horizontal or a vertical segment, near the source or the destination of the stream (in case the stream has multiple such segments). Note that for input streams, one more choice exist: ‘Next-to-Source’. If this is chosen, then the label will be located next to the source point of the input stream, and not near any segments. Similarly, the ‘Next-to-Destination’ preference exists for output streams: if that is chosen, then the tag will be located next to the output sink bitmap.

b)  Location Relative to the Segment; you may specify whether you wish to have the tag above, below or over etc. in relation to the chosen segment.


SuperPro Designer streams always connect to icon’s ports via horizontal segments. Since each stream must have either a source icon or a destination icon, it follows that each stream is guaranteed to have at least one horizontal segment. However, there can be streams without any vertical segments. Or, even if a stream may have one (or more) vertical segments, none of them are tall enough to accommodate the stream’s name tag. If you have expressed your preference to have name tags located on vertical segment, keep in mind that your wish may not be granted for every stream. In that case, SuperPro Designer will relocate the tag to the nearest horizontal segment. If the stream’s elbows are adjusted and space is made for a long enough vertical segment, then the tag will be relocated there.

See also Stream Style.