Stream Style Dialog

This dialog appears if you right-click on any type of stream and select Style } Edit Style from the context menu of the application.

The stream’s style dialog contains the five following tabs:

      Stream Style Dialog: Stream Line Tab: It allows you to edit the style, thickness and color of the stream’s line, as well as the visibility of the name tag and/or information tag.

         Stream Style Dialog: Name Label Tab: It allows you to edit the properties (font, color) of the text as well as the frame (optionally) used to display the name of the stream.

         Stream Style Dialog: Name Label Location Tab: It allows you to specify the location of the name label with respect to the segments of the stream.

      Stream Style Dialog: Information Tag Tab: It allows you to specify which properties to display in the info tag, as well as edit the attributes of the text (font, color) as well as the frame (optionally) used to display the information tag of the stream.

         Stream Style Dialog: Info Tag Location Tab: It allows you to edit the location of the stream’s information tag with respect to the segments of the stream.