Physical Units Options

By default, the software always uses the International System of Units of Measure (SI Units) for all of the quantities displayed (mass, temperature, pressure, volume, densities, flowrates, etc.). Even if one wanted to stay within this system of units, it may be convenient to use one choice for stream flows (e.g.’L/min’) but another for heat transfer agent flows (e.g. ‘m3/h’). The application offers the Physical Units Options Dialog that allows you to tweak the default choices used in certain contexts. This dialog can be viewed when selecting Edit } Process Options } Physical Units Options from the application’s main menu or as a shortcut, Physical Units Options from the flowsheet’s command menu. From the dialog you can choose any apply one of three buttons that make a consistent set of choices for all quantities: one applies all fundamental SI units, the other applies all fundamental British units and the third (labeled ‘Preset Defaults’) chooses units within (or derived from) the SI system of units. Of course,


When exiting the physical units choice dialog by clicking on the OK button, the application will bring up the following question


 If you answer ‘Yes’ then any previous settings and/or overwrites that were specified in streams, operations, equipment, etc. will be lost and all displays of quantities will follow the unit choices as set by this dialog. If you answer ‘No’ then the new setting will only e used for any streams, operations, equipment, etc. that may be created in the future, and any previously set choices will be kept as-is.

 users can always overwrite the default choices in places of their liking. For example, even though the default choice for viewing volumetric flows in streams may be ‘L’, you can change the setting on a particular stream dialog to be ‘gal’ or anything else.