Section Properties Dialog: Auto-Numbering tab


This property page is part of the Section Properties Dialog. This property page allows you to customize the automatic numbering scheme used by the application when a new procedure, stream or equipment resource is created on the flowsheet when this section is the active section.

Specification Choices / Comments

Procedure Numbering

When a new procedure is added on the flowsheet, the application composes a new (unique) name for it automatically. The name of the procedure is made up as follows:

‘Procedure-Name’ = ‘Procedure-Prefix’ + ‘Number’.

The procedure prefix is an application-wide setting and it defaults to ‘P-’ but can be changed to any string see Application Settings Dialog: Prefixes tab).

The “Number” is normally an ever increasing index kept by the application that starts from 1 and is increased by one every time you add a new procedure. This implies that if you have already added ‘P-1’, ‘P-2’, ‘P-3’, ‘P-4’ and then deleted ‘P-2’ and then added another procedure, it will be named ‘P-5’. If you check the ‘Use Next Highest Procedure Number When Available’ option, then in the previously described situation, the next procedure’s name would be ‘P-2’ instead of ‘P-5’.

Checking the box of ‘Prepend Zeros if Necessary to Display N Digits’ will force the string-conversion of the number to always be of the same size (N) by prepending the number with zeros if necessary. This option may be attractive if you wish to be able to see the procedures in alphabetical order and have no surprises (if this option is not selected, ‘P-19’ is before ‘P-2’ whereas ‘P-0019’ is always after ‘P-0002’).

Equipment Numbering

When a new procedure is added on the flowsheet, the application assumes it is going to be hosted by a new equipment resource, and therefore it creates a new object for that. The new equipment resource is named as follows:

‘Equipment-Resource-Name’ = ‘Equipment-Prefix’ + ‘Number’.

The equipment prefix depends on the type of equipment resource that is being created (for a ‘Strirred Reactor’ is ‘R-’, for a “Microfitler’ is ‘MF-’, etc.). The prefix strings used for each equipment resource type are application-wide settings and can be changed from the application settings dialog, see Application Settings Dialog: Prefixes tab).

The “Number” is normally an ever increasing index kept by the application that starts from 1 and is increased by one every time you a new equipment resource is added (or every time a new unit procedure is added). This implies that if you have already added ‘R-101’, ‘R-102’, ‘R-103’, ‘R-104’ and then deleted ‘R-102’ and then added another batch vessel procedure that is supposed to be hosted by a ‘Strirred Reactor’, the name that will be chosen will be ‘P-105’. If you check the ‘Use Next Highest Equipment Number When Available’ option, then in the previously described situation, the next equipment's name would be ‘R-102’ instead of ‘R-105’.

Checking the box of ‘Prepend Zeros if Necessary to Display N Digits’ will force the string-conversion of the number to always be of the same size (N) by prepending the number with zeros if necessary. This option may be attractive if you wish to be able to see the equipment resources in alphabetical order and have no surprises.

Stream Numbering

When a new stream is added on the flowsheet, the application composes a new (unique) name for it automatically. The name of the stream is made up as follows:

‘Stream-Name’ = ‘Stream-Prefix’ + ‘Number’.

The stream prefix is an application-wide setting and it defaults to ‘S-’ but can be changed to any string, see Application Settings Dialog: Prefixes tab).

The ‘Number’ is normally an ever increasing index kept by the application that starts from 1 and is increased by one every time you add a new stream. This implies that if you have already added ‘S-101’, ‘S-102’, ‘S-103’, ‘S-104’ and then deleted ‘S-102’ and then added another stream, it will be named ‘S-105’. If you check the ‘Use Next Highest Procedure Number When Available’ option, then in the previously described situation, the next stream’s name would be ‘S-102’ instead of ‘S-105’.

Checking the box of ‘Prepend Zeros if Necessary to Display N Digits’ will force the string-conversion of the number to always be of the same size (N) by prepending the number with zeros if necessary. This option may be attractive if you wish to be able to see the streams in alphabetical order and have no surprises.


The numbering scheme is followed when you add a unit procedure or a stream one-by-one, or when you copy-and-paste a set of procedures and/or streams on the flowsheet. In the latter case, the application makes copies of the original procedure(s) and/or stream(s) and then automatically assigns to them unique names (following the previously described naming scheme) before adding them to the destination flowsheet.