Exporting / Linking Tables (Grids) to MS-Excel

Several interfaces in SuperPro Designer present process data in the form of a grid:

      the Equipment Contents Dialog presents the contents of equipment with mass holding ability during the span of one or more procedures;

      the Procedure Activity Overview Dialog presents in a grid an overview of all the actions scheduled to execute inside a procedure’s queue;

2.   the The Stream Summary Table is a highly customizable grid with information on a user-selectable set of streams that may be key to the process;

the Table with Properties of Registered Components (View Only) presents all the key properties for the registered components in the process.

From all of the above grid interfaces, users have the ability to map (and link) the information presented within the application to an area in a MS-Excel spreadsheet. The procedure for accomplishing this is the same from all such interfaces.

►    To Export/Link a table (grid) to MS-Excel® spreadsheet...

Display the table using the application’s interface command.
For example, to present the equipment contents of a vessel, select Equipment Data from the procedure’s command (context) menu.

Once the table is in display, right-click on it and select Excel Link } Edit from the interface’s command (context) menu, see Customizing the Excel Link to a grid starts with accessing the grid’s command menu. (actual contents of the menu depend on the interface and may be slightly different than what shown inCustomizing the Excel Link to a grid starts with accessing the grid’s command menu.).


Customizing the Excel Link to a grid starts with accessing the grid’s command menu.

The Link Table to MS-Excel Dialog will appear. From there you can specify:
- the ‘xls’ file (book) to be used as the container for the data.
- the area (sheet and cell range) where the data will be deposited.
- schedule when you wish to have the data updated.
For more details on the above specifications, see Link Table to MS-Excel Dialog.

If you have chosen to have the data updated automatically (‘Auto-Update’ option in the Link Table to MS-Excel Dialog), then as soon as the data in the dialog change (e.g. due to M&E balance execution) the corresponding area in the selected Excel book will also be updated as well. If you have chosen to have the data updated manually, then simply right-click and present the interface’s context menu and then select Excel Link } Update.


All the properties of the grid-to-Excel link can be accessed by the COM engine of the application. Therefore users can customize the content and target area of such information transfer programmatically (from a COM client environment). Furthermore, the activation of the data transfer (the equivalent of selecting Excel Link } Update from the interface’s command menu) is also an available COM command.

When you no longer need to have the information linked (or transferred) to a MS-Excel book, you should delete the link (select Excel Link } Delete from the interface’s command menu).