Table with Properties of Registered Components (View Only)

This dialog appears when you select View } Component Properties Table... from the main menu of the application. It displays a user-selected set of properties for all the registered pure components in your process file, one next to the other for comparative viewing purposes.

By default it displays only the following properties:

      Molecular weight,

      Liquid/ Solid Density

      Normal Boiling Point

A user can edit the properties that he/she wants to be displayed by right-clicking on the table area and selecting Edit Contents from the ensuing menu. The Table of Properties for Registered Components: Property Selection Dialog will appear that allows you to choose which properties to display on the interface.

Context Menu


The right click context menu allows you to perform other actions as well.

See the following table for details on each command:

Edit Contents


Customize the contents of the table.



Allows you to copy the selected range of cells. Note that once you have copied a range of cells, you can paste them into MS-Word or MS-Excel (as a spreadsheet)

Copy All


Allows you copy all the cells in the grid. Convenient for copying-and-pasting the entire grid elsewhere as a grid.

Select All


Will select all cells in the grid. Convenient for applying a formatting option to all the cells.

Format Cells


Will present you with a dialog that allows you to modify the display format (style) of the selected cells. Note that this format will overwrite the default style (see Cell Format Dialog).

Header Font Styles


Will present you with a dialog that allows you to modify the style of the row headers.



Allows you to print the entire grid.

Print Preview


Will show a print-preview of the grid before it is printed.

Excel Link


Edit options for Table to Excel Link (see Link Table to MS-Excel Dialog)



Update data in the linked excel file.



Delete data in the linked excel file.