A Thickening Procedure can be created by selecting the following menu option:
Unit Procedures } Sedimentation } Thickening
Operating Mode |
Continuous or Semi-Continuous |
Host Equipment |
Emissions Port (Vent) |
Yes |
Special Input/Output Ports |
Yes |
This unit procedure simulates the performance of a thickener basin for solids separation and thickening. In design mode, the sizing of the basin can be based on the feed loading rate or the solids settling flux theory. The model performs rigorous VOC emission calculations.
● Clarified Water: the designated output port for clarified water.
● Sludge: the designated output port for sludge.
The following operation types are currently supported in the context of this unit procedure:
● Thicken, see Thickening
● Hold, see Holding
Note that operation Hold is only available in semi-continuous operating mode.
The following procedures offer a similar functionality:
Inclined Plate (IP) Clarification Procedure
Centrifugation in a Disk-Stack Centrifuge Procedure
Centrifugation in a Decanter Procedure
Centrifugation in a Hydrocyclone Procedure