Storage Unit Supply (or Receive) Chart Style Dialog

This dialog appears when you select Edit Style from the command menu of any of the material charts (entering or exiting, consumption or output, single or multiple batches). The same dialog can be shown before the chart is drawn when you click on the View/Edit Chart Style button (ChartStyleBtn00150.jpg) of the material selection dialog that is first presented before the chart is drawn.


All eight material charts have essentially the same graph style characteristics. Some features may or may not appear (depending on the chart). For example, the supply-related information does not appear on the graph style dialog when viewing a consumption chart (since no inventory is considered). Also the same feature for a consumption chart (e.g. ‘consumption rate’) may be presented under a different term (e.g. ‘output rate’) for an output chart. All documentation about the graph style features will only be presented in one topic.

The dialog has four tabs:

      Material Chart Graph Style: Contents tab: Controls which material data lines (rates and/or amounts) will be included in the chart.

      Material Chart Graph Style: y-Values tab: Controls the units of choice and the range for the y-values (rate and/or amount) to be used whenever a material chart (for the selected material) is shown.

      Material Chart Graph Style: y-Lines tab: Controls appearance (colors, thickness, etc.) for each of the data lines in the chart.

      Graph Style Dialog (All Time Charts): Time Line Tab: Controls the settings on the time line of the chart.