Equipment Data Dialog: Adjustments Tab


This tab is part of the Equipment Data dialog (common to all equipment types). The dialog can be viewed when selecting the Equipment Data menu option from a unit procedure’s command menu.


Default Value



Number of Standby Units
The number of extra (standby) units (of the same size as the main units) that you wish to be included in the purchase cost estimation. Typically such units may be used when regularly operating units go down for scheduled or un-scheduled maintenance.


Positive Integer

PC Portion Charged to this Project
The assumed portion of the estimated purchase cost (PC) that has already been depreciated (as part of a previously executed project).



Material of Construction
For each equipment type there may be a set of choices for the material of construction. Each choice carries with it a factor (material factor) that scales up or down the cost in relation to construction with the assumed default material of construction.


List of Materials for this Equip. Type

Material Factor
Cost ratio between a chosen material of construction over the default material of construction assumed by the cost model.



Installation Cost Factor
When the installation expense is calculated on a distributed basis (is equipment-by-equipment) this factor will determine the installation cost associated with this specific equipment.



Maintenance Cost
When the equipment maintenance expense is estimated on an equipment-by-equipment basis, this factor used as a multiplier of the estimated PC for this equipment will provide the maintenance cost associated with this specific equipment.



Usage Rate ($/equip-h)
Use it when the facility component of the operating cost is estimated directly from a usage rate charged for the use of the equipment (per equipment use hour).



Availability Rate ($/h)
Use this rate when facility component of the operating cost is assumed based on how many hours this equipment needs to be available for use (not actually in use). This time will include idle time for the equipment.



Portion of PC Already Depreciated
The assumed portion of the estimated purchase cost (PC) that has already been depreciated (as part of a previously executed project).



Symbol Key: User-specified value (always input); Calculated value (always output); Sometimes input, sometimes output

Specification Choices / Comments

For more details on how the purchase cost of equipment contributes to the total DFC estimation please, see Total Capital Investment. For more details on how the Operating, cost is calculated, please see Operating Cost.

PC Portion Charged to This Project

This field will not be visible if the factor is assigned uniformly for all equipment belonging to a section, see Operating Cost Adjustments Dialog.

Material of Construction.

For System and User database may contain any number of materials of construction. For a given equipment type (e.g. Chromatography Column) a material of construction factor may or may not be defined. If you select a material and the factor does not exist in the databank, you will be notified and the factor will default to 1.0. You can simply overwrite the value to any positive number you deem appropriate in this interface and it will only be associated with is equipment. If you wish the association between a material of construction and a cost factor be permanently available for future choices (for equipment of the same type) then you need to define this association in the equipment materials databank, see Equipment Materials Databank.

Maintenance Factor, Usage Rate, Availability Rate

Depending on how the facility cost component is set to be estimated for the section that this equipment resource belongs, some of these factors may or may not be used. For more details, please see Operating Cost Adjustments Dialog: Facility Tab.

Portion of Purchase Cost Already Depreciated

Setting anything other than 0.0 in this field will not affect the purchase cost considered for this equipment and thus it will not affect the direct fixed capital total for the section that this equipment belongs. However, it will affect the un-depreciated portion of the DFC for the section and the depreciation calculation for that section. Please note that any purchase cost derivative adjustments (e.g. maintenance) will still use the full amount of the purchase cost as shown in the Equipment Data Dialog: Purchase Cost Tab.