Equipment Data Dialog: Purchase Cost Tab


This tab is part of the Equipment Data dialog (common to all equipment types). The dialog can be viewed when selecting the Equipment Data menu option from a unit procedure’s command menu.


Default Value



Purchase Cost
The cost estimated to purchase each of the equipment units involved. Not editable unless set directly by user.



Purchase Cost Reference Year
The year for which either the built-in model or the user’s cost model estimates the cost for equipment. It is editable only if the cost (as a value) is directly set by user.


1990 - today

Purchase Cost Estimation Mode
For each equipment type there may be a set of choices for the material of construction. Each choice carries with it a factor (material factor) that scales up or down the cost in relation to construction with the assumed default material of construction.

Built-in Model

1 of 3

Specification Choices / Comments

For more details on choices for estimating the purchase cost for equipment , see Purchase Cost.

Set by user vs Built-in Cost Model vs User-Defined Cost Model

By default, a built-in cost model is used to estimate the cost of equipment given its size. If estimates are not deemed appropriate then the user can either provide their own cost vs size model (see The User-Defined Cost Model (UDCM)) or set the cost directly for this unit. If the estimates for PC are for a year prior to the year of the project, the application will adjust the prices using the published chemical engineering index to account for inflation.

User-Defined Cost Model (UDCM)

If you wish to supply a power-law based model that is to replace the built in model of cost vs size, select the last choice and then click on “Parameters”. For more on the ensuing dialog, see User-Defined Cost Model (UDCM) Dialog. The ‘SuperPro (User)’ database may contain some sample of UDCMs for a selected few classes of equipment. The ‘SuperPro (User)’ database also contains a number of materials of construction along with some material factor definitions (for a limited set of equipment types). For a given equipment type (e.g. Chromatography Column) a material of construction factor may or may not be defined. If defined, it provides an easy way to scale up or down the current estimates of the costing model by a fixed factor. If you select a material and the factor does not exist in the databank, you will be notified and the factor will default to 1.0. You can simply overwrite the value to any positive number you deem appropriate in this interface and it will only be associated with is equipment. If you wish the association between a material of construction and a cost factor.

Multiple Pieces of Equipment

If multiple pieces of equipment (of equal size) are engaged to operate in parallel (or in staggered mode), then the purchase cost displayed in this tab is the cost of a single equipment item. The purchase cost associated for this equipment resource will be that of a single piece times the number of equipment items required to carry out the procedure.

Material of Construction

The estimated PC assumes a default material of construction (the actual type varies from type to type but the most common choice is SS316). To account for other materials of construction, and to view other PC adjustment factors, see Equipment Data Dialog: Adjustments Tab.