Microfiltration (Feed and Bleed) Procedure


A Microfiltration (Feed and Bleed) Procedure can be created by selecting the following menu option:
Unit Procedures } Filtration } Microfiltration (Feed and Bleed)



Operating Mode


Host Equipment


Emissions Port (Vent)


Special Input/Output Ports




Feed and bleed (continuous) microfiltration is used for solid-liquid separations (to remove micron-size particles) in plants that require large throughputs (e.g., dairy, bioprocessing, beverage, water purification, etc.). In bioprocessing, microfiltration is commonly used for cell harvesting, cell debris removal, and sterilization of cell culture media. The pore sizes of microfilter membranes usually range from 0.1 to 0.45 microns. Flow parallel to the membrane surface is used to enhance filtrate flux.

Special Inputs / Outputs

      Filtrate: the designated output port for the filtrate.

      Concentrate: the designated output port for the concentrate.


The following operation types are currently supported in the context of this unit procedure:

      Concentrate (Feed & Bleed), see Feed & Bleed Concentration (Continuous Membrane Filtration)

      CIP, see Clean-In-Place (CIP)

Hold, see Holding

SIP, see Steam-In-Place (SIP)

SEe Also

The following procedures offer a similar functionality:

Microfiltration (Batch) Procedure

Ultrafiltration (Feed and Bleed) Procedure

Reverse Osmosis (Feed and Bleed) Procedure