Transport Units

This group contains all equipment types available in SuperPro Designer to host procedures whose main purpose is to transport bulk, solids or discrete entities to a near by location.

The currently available liquid transport units are:

      Centrifugal Pump

      Diaphragm Pump

      Gear Pump

      Peristaltic Pump

The currently available gas transport units are:

      Peristaltic Pump

      Centrifugal Fan

The currently available solids transport units are:

      Belt Conveyor (Bulk Flow)

Belt Conveyor (Discrete Flow)

Pneumatic Conveyor (Bulk Flow)

Pneumatic Conveyor (Discrete Flow)

Screw Conveyor (Bulk Flow)

Screw Conveyor (Discrete Flow)

Bucket Elevator (Bulk Flow)

Bucket Elevator (Bulk Flow)

The remainder of this section, is dedicated to the description of these equipment resources.