Visual Objects

In order to represent the mass and material transformations in a process, we need only two types of objects: unit procedures and streams. Elsewhere you can find extensive descriptions of the visual as well as the functional properties of each of these elements (see Streams and Procedures & Operations). However, oftentimes, the drawing of a flowsheet can be enhanced by including several other non-functional elements (i.e., elements without any modeling behind them). For instance, you may need to border a certain section of the process by a bounding rectangle and assign it a name, since it represents a particular sub-section of the entire plant (e.g., the raw materials pre-treatment section, or the x-chemical removal section, etc.). In other cases, the designer of a particular process, may wish to comment on certain steps, so she/he may want to place some text right under a particular step. All these new elements that can be added to enhance the visual appearance of a process flowsheet but have no effect on the physico-chemical transformations occurring in it, we will call Visual Objects.

Information on the Visual Objects is organized in the following topics:

      Types of Visual Objects

      Adding a New Visual Object

Editing Existing Visual Objects

Visual Objects Toolbar

Editing the Style of Visual Objects