The Rigorous PS Calculation Toolbox Dialog

This dialog appears when you select PS Calculation Options... } Default Rigorous PS Calc. Toolbox from the process file’s command menu or Edit } Process Options } PS Calculation Options... } Default Rigorous PS Calc. Toolbox from the application’s main menu.

Rigorous Toolbox Tab

From the rigorous toolbox tab you can modify the process file’s VLE model used for the calculation of the K-values.


This property page is part of the The Rigorous PS Calculation Toolbox Dialog.

Specification Choices / Comments

The program offers the option to exclude one or more components from a VLE model. Excluded components are treated as if they belong to a separate, independent liquid/solid phase and they do not participate in model calculations apart from their contribution in the energy balance. To exclude components from a VLE model click on the “Exclude Components from K-value Calculations” button InclExclBtn00099.jpg. In the dialog that appears, check the components that you would like to exclude from the VLE model.



Binary Coefficient Source Database Order Preference

Clicking on the “Binary Coefficients DB Lookup Order” button will present a dialog that allows the user to set the priority order between database sources that SuperPro Designer will use to pull out binary coefficients needed for the non-ideal models. By default the order is “User Db” then “Designer Db” and finally “PPDS BIP Db” if available. So for each binary mixture that exists in the process based on the Pure Component registered, SuperPro Designer will search the databases in the above order for binary coefficients, for all the non-ideal models used in the program.

For more information on the Binary Coefficient databases, see Binary Coefficients Databank.


Clicking on the Plot Binary VLE Chart button will open The Binary Chart Dialog where the user may generate binary VLE charts.

Clicking on the Solver Options button will bring up the Flash Solver Numerical Options Dialog.

For information on the VLE models, see Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Modeling.