Binary Coefficients Databank

Binary coefficients are used in several thermodynamic models (e.g. equations of state or activity coefficient models) in an attempt to capture non-ideal behavior of mixtures. The ‘SuperPro (User)’ database includes binary coefficients for over 60 binary mixtures. More will be added in future releases. Starting with version 9.5, SuperPro Designer provides support for accessing binary coefficients from the ‘PPDS’ Binary Interaction Property databank, which is available in the PPDS Thermodynamic Property Suite application from TÜV SÜD, a UK company.


It should be made very clear that purchasing a license to SuperPro Designer does NOT include purchasing the rights to own and use the PPDS database. Intelligen, Inc. merely provides the means to import data from a PPDS database, provided that the owner of SuperPro Designer has purchased and maintains an active license for the use of PPDS databases.

For more information on the binary coefficients and the thermodynamic models that use them, see Component Properties in a Binary Mixture and Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Modeling.

Viewing the Contents of the Binary Coefficients Databank

To access the binary coefficients databanks, select the Databanks } Binary Coefficients... menu item from the main menu (or Shift+Ctrl 2 as shortcut). In the Binary Coefficients Databank Dialog that appears, you can see a list of all the available binary coefficients in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ and the ‘PPDS’ database if available. If you select a binary mixture that resides in the ‘PPDs’ database then you can only view (but not modify) the binary coefficients, whereas if you select a binary mixture that belongs to the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database then you will be able to view as well as modify the values of binary coefficients in the databank. Using the ‘Database Filter..’ DbFilterBtn.jpg button you may choose to display only the ‘SuperPro (User)’ or the ‘PPDS’ database binary mixtures. Finally you can also add new BIPs. First you must create a binary mixture by selecting two Pure Components from any of the available component databases, and add it to the list of existing binary mixtures. Binary coefficient values can then be added manually or by copying existing values from other binary mixtures.

Adding and Deleting Binary Coefficients

A new binary coefficient for one or more thermodynamic models can be added to the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database. Keeping a BIP in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ databank will make it readily available for use in any future process simulations. In order to add a new binary coefficient, bring up the Binary Coefficients Databank Dialog you start by selecting Databanks } Binary Coefficients from the main menu of the application. On this dialog, choose the two components (i,j) for which you wish to introduce a new binary coefficient (bij). You may choose two different pure components from either any of the available component databases (‘SuperPro (User)’, DIPPR, or PPDS). Then, click on the LeftAddBtn.jpg button to add the new binary mixture to the table on the left, and edit the coefficients for this mixture. Binary coefficient values may be also copied from another binary mixture by selecting the mixture and then clicking on the copy button CopyBtn.jpg. Then select the binary mixture you wish to copy the values to and click on the paste button PasteBtn.jpg. In order to delete a pre-existing set of binary coefficients for a pair of components (i,j), you must first select the component pair (binary) as shown in the table listing and then click on theDelete00024.jpg button.