Auxiliary Equipment Properties Dialog: Purchase Cost tab


This tab is part of the Auxiliary Equipment Properties Dialog that is displayed for auxiliary equipment of any type (built-in and user-defined). This dialog can be accessed by clicking on the View/Edit button (ViewEditProperties00179.jpg) from the Process Explorer Toolbar (Aux. Equipment tab) or on any line of the Auxiliary Equipment Listing showing when selecting Tasks } Other Resources } Auxiliary Equipment... from the main menu of the application.

From this tab specify the purchase cost associated with this auxiliary equipment. Unlike main equipment, auxiliary equipment (even the built-in types like CIP skids, SIP panels, vacuum pumps & transfer panels) do not have a built-in size-to-cost predicting model. As a result the assumed cost for any instance of an auxiliary equipment is 0.0. If you wish to consider the purchase cost of auxiliary equipment right along with the purchase cost of main equipment for a process model, then you have two options:

1.   Specify the purchase cost for each auxiliary equipment yourself (pick the ‘Set-by-User’ option shown above)

2.   Provide a user-defined cost model (or UDCM for short) to be used

If you opt to go with option #2 above, you are probably better off, defining a cost model in the UDCM databank (for this type of auxiliary equipment) and then continuously employ the predictions of that model for each instance of such auxiliary equipment. To find out how to define UDCM in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database, please consult Equipment User Defined Cost Models Databank Dialog.