Stream Style Dialog: Name Label Tab


This tab is part of the Stream Style Dialog and can be accessed by right-clicking on any type of stream and selecting Style } Edit Style from the context menu of the application.

This dialog allows you to define the characteristics of the labels which appear on Streams (Name Label), Unit Procedures (Description Label & Equip. Allocation Information label) and the generic text that has been added on the flowsheet.

You may specify properties for the string itself (its color and font) as well as an optionally displayed frame around the tag. The frame has a selectable shape (rectangle, round rectangle or polygon), line color, thickness and pattern and finally a fill-in color. A preview is also included in this tab to show the combined effect of your choices. Finally the user is given the option to display the stream Name and/or Description, as well as determine the separator character between them. The default separator is always a forward slash “/”.

See also Stream Style.