Cell Format Dialog

This dialog appears when you select Format Cells from the stream summary table’s context menu (right-click over the stream summary table toolbar). It allows you apply visual formatting on the selected range of cells. You can affect the following cell attributes


Choices in this tab will affect the appearance of the cell’s value (as a string).


Choices in this tab will affect the background (fill-in) color used for the cells.


You can chose from a variety of border types (including no border at all if that’s what you wish)


You may request a range of values be shown right, left, or center aligned (horizontally) and top, bottom, or center aligned vertically. You may also request for the text to wrap around in the cell or allow the column width to automatically adjust to fit the contents.


For cells that present numbers, you may chose from a variety of number formats which one to be used to display the value(s) of the corresponding properties (Fixed, Scientific, with comma, etc.).