Environmental Reports

There are two reports that present information related to the environmental impact of the process:

      Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

      Emissions Report (EMS)

      EPA-MACT Emissions Report (EPA)

Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

This report presents information that describes the effects of the process output streams on the environment. Furthermore, it contains a detailed bookkeeping of all chemicals that are either regulated by the EPA or tagged as hazardous by the user. To generate this report, select menu Reports } Environmental Impact (EIR) from the main menu of the application.

The report itself is composed of the following sections:

1.   Waste By Type

2.   Waste by Section

3.   Streams

4.   Overall Balance

5.   Component Fate

6.   Sara 313 Chemicals

7.   33/50 Chemicals

8.   Solid Waste

9.   Aqueous Waste

10.  Organic Waste

11.  Emissions Section

12.  Hazardous Streams Section

13.  Pollution Indices Section

Any of the above sections can be included or omitted from the report. All content customization for this report can be made from the Report Options Dialog: Environmental Impact Tab. To access this dialog, select menu Reports } Options from the main menu of the application.

EIR: Waste By Type

This section lists the amount of each component /mixture classified as waste under the different waste categories (aqueous, organic, solid, emissions). The amounts are expressed in terms of kg/kg of Main Product, kg/yr, kg/batch, and as % of the category waste.

EIR: Waste By Section

This section lists the amount of each component /mixture classified as waste under the different waste categories (aqueous, organic, solid, emissions) for each process section.

EIR: Streams

This section is somewhat similar to the first section of the stream report. Each stream is described by its name, source and destination procedure (or INPUT/OUTPUT). Then the list of its environmental and aqueous properties is included (TOC, COD, ThOD, etc.) as concentrations (in mg/l) and daily demands (kg carbon/day or kg oxygen/day.)

EIR: Overall Balance

This section presents the total environmental load increase or decrease as reflected by the values of TOC, COD, etc. of all streams entering and leaving the process. It contains two tables: one presents the values either on-a-per-hour-basis (only choice for continuous processes) or on-a-per-batch basis (choice available for batch processes); the second table has the same numbers on a yearly basis. Notice that the second table (yearly values) also reports the percentage reduction (or increase if the value is negative) of each environmental index.

EIR: Component Fate

It is becoming ever more imperative for managers responsible for the operation of manufacturing and wastewater treatment facilities to be aware of the ultimate destination of each chemical as they leave the plant’s battery limits as either solid or liquid waste (organic /aqueous) or gaseous releases to the atmosphere (emissions). This section presents the allocation of each chemical that either enters or is produced by the plant facility to all waste gateways. The first column presents the cumulative amounts of each chemical entering on any of the input streams of the plant, and the next three columns present the amounts leaving the plant on all waste streams (solid, liquid streams and gaseous).

EIR: SARA 313 Chemicals

Two groups of chemicals demand special attention for regulatory purposes: one group includes all the chemicals that must be included in the SARA 313 report as required by US government regulations; the other is the group of chemicals required to be present in the 33/50 reduction plan, as dictated by government regulations. This section deals with the first group (and the next section with the other). It presents an accurate account of all SARA 313 chemicals entering and leaving the plant as well as their difference. It should be mentioned that in order for a component to be included in this section, its ‘Is SARA 313’ flag must be set to TRUE.

EIR: 33/50 Chemicals

Similar to the previous section, only dealing with 33/50 chemicals. In order for a component to be included in this section, its ‘Is 33/50’ flag must be set to TRUE.

EIR: Solid Waste

You can classify the output streams of a process file as Solid Waste, Organic Waste, Aqueous Waste, or Emission. This section deals with the description of all streams classified as Solid Waste. It consists of two parts. The first part enumerates all streams that are characterized as solid waste by listing their composition (weight %), flowrate (in kg/h) and annual flowrate (kg/year). The second part, presents a detailed accounting from the component point of view; it shows how the total amount of each component leaving as solid waste is distributed in each stream. It should be mentioned that you can specify some components not to be listed in this section of the EIR report by setting the component property ‘Is Tracked in Solid Waste’ to FALSE (all components have this flag set to TRUE by default.).

EIR: Aqueous Waste

Similar to the Solid Waste Section, only deals with streams classified as aqueous (liquid) waste.

EIR: Organic Waste

Similar to the Aqueous Waste Section, only deals with streams classified as organic (liquid) waste.

EIR: Emissions

Similar to the Solid Waste Section, only deals with streams classified as emissions (gaseous waste). A dedicated report presents much more details on emissions (see Emissions Report (EMS)).

EIR: Hazardous Streams

Some components can be tagged by the user as hazardous when present in a stream at a concentration higher than a specified threshold. The presence of such components in output streams, automatically tags the streams as hazardous. Furthermore, you may explicitly tag a stream as hazardous yourself, if so desired (see Classification of Input and Output Streams). In this section of the report, the hazardous streams are presented. The format of this section is similar to those of waste streams.

EIR: Pollution Indices

The last section of the EIR report presents certain ratios that are indicative of the environmental kindness (or lack thereof) of a process file. The first index presented applies to processes that have a main revenue stream (e.g. manufacturing facilities with a main product stream). It reports the ratio of total amount of waste (solid, aqueous, organic, and emissions) produced per kg of main revenue stream processed. The next five indices apply to processing plants that employ raw materials. It reports the ratio of total waste, solid waste, aqueous waste, organic waste, and emissions produced per kg of raw material utilized.

Emissions Report (EMS)

This report presents information on air pollutant amounts from all the procedures of the process. To generate this report, select menu Reports } Emissions (EMS). For more details on Emission Calculations, see Chapter 10  (Emissions).

The Emissions Report consists of the following sections:

1.   Overall Process Data

2.   Procedure-Averaged Category Rates & Totals (per Procedure)

3.   Category Amount Totals (per Batch)

4.   Procedure-Averaged Component Rates (per Procedure, per Operation)

5.   Operation-Averaged Component Rates (per Procedure, per Operation)

6.   Time-Averaged Component Rates (per Component)

7.   Component Amount Totals (per Procedure, per Batch)

Any of the above sections may be included or excluded from the report by visiting the customization page at Report Options Dialog: Emissions Tab. To access this dialog, select menu Reports } Options from the main menu of the application.

EMS: Overall Process Data

This section displays information about the overall process (Plant Batch time, number of Batches per year for batch processes, and Operating days per year for continuous processes).

EMS: Procedure-Averaged Category Rates & Totals
(per Procedure)

This section presents information on air pollutant flow (lumped per pollutant category) from the various procedures of a process. The flowrates (in kg/h) represent average flows during the cycle of a procedure


   You should classify all the chemicals that appear in your process file (especially those that can potentially be emitted) into one of the pollutant categories (see Pollutant Categorization Guidelines).

For each procedure, the Actual and Permit Allowable flowrates of the following pollutant categories are included:

a)  Total Particulate (and its various subcategories),

b)  Total VOC (and its various subcategories),

c)   Acid Gases (and its two subcategories),

d)  Extremely Toxic Gases (ETG) and its two subcategories,

e)  Carbon Monoxide (CO),

f)    NOx,

g)  SO2 and

h)  Bases

Up to four additional pollutant categories (of your own choosing) with their limits can also be defined see Emission Limits Dialog).


You can set emission limits for the various pollutant categories above, except for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (see Emission Limits Dialog). You can access this interface from the main menu by selecting Edit } Process Options } Preferences } Emission Limits or from the flowsheet’s context menu by selecting Preferences } Emission Limits. For VOCs the emission limit is calculated by the program based on the composition of the various vent (emission) streams. The emissions report will include warnings if the accumulated emissions for any of the above categories exceeds the set limit.

EMS: Category Amount Totals (per Batch)

This section provides the total amounts on a per batch basis for each pollutant category.

The following four tables will provide users with enough information that will pinpoint any emission violating operations and data that can be used in filing required emission reports:

EMS: Procedure-Averaged Component Rates
(per Procedure, per Operation)

This section will include a table for each procedure in the recipe. The rates presented are calculated as the amount of component emitted divided by the procedure’s total time. Since all rates have a common time reference (albeit somewhat arbitrary) they can be summed up, so totals per procedure are also presented.

EMS: Operation-Averaged Component Rates
(per Procedure, per Operation)

This section will include a table for each procedure in the recipe. Each table will present an operation-averaged emission rate (amount emitted divided by the corresponding operation’s process time). Since each rate is calculated on a different time basis, no totals are presented.

EMS: Time-Averaged Component Rates (per Component)

The previous two sections that showed component emission rates failed to realistically capture overlapping effects between operation in the same or different procedures. In other words, if a component is emitted (during the same period) by two different operations the combined amount would not be captured. This section, presents a table for each component emitted. Each table is organized in time intervals (user-selectable, usually 1 hr). For each time-slice, we present all operations that emit that component and the corresponding rate, as well as a cumulative rate representing the combined effect of all operations that happen to be active in that interval. The size of the time-averaging interval and its units can be specified from the interface of the options of this report.

EMS: Component Amount Totals (per Procedure, per Batch)

This section will include a table for each procedure in the recipe. Each table will have as many rows as the operations in that procedure and columns corresponding to (any) components present in any emission streams that are outputs in that operation. Each cell shows the component amount per batch emitted by that operation if it is a batch process or the component amount per day for a continuous process. Totals (per procedure) are also presented.


EPA-MACT Emissions Report (EPA)

This report presents information on components emitted from all the procedures of the process based on the EPA-MACT emission calculation methodology. To generate this report, select menu Reports } EPA -MACT Emissions (EPA). For more details on EPA-MACT Emission Calculations, see Chapter 10  (Emissions).

The EPA_MACT Emissions Report consists of the following sections:

1.   Overall Process Data

2.   Emissions per Operation

3.   Emissions per Component

4.   Emissions per Component Total Amounts

5.   Equipment Contents

The above sections may be included or excluded from the EPA-MACT Emissions Report by visiting the customization page at Report Options Dialog: EPA-MACT Tab. To access this dialog, select menu Reports } Options from the main menu of the application.


   SuperPro allows for the use of control devices, one for every procedure. The user can specify the name and temperature of each control device from the Emissions Control Information table in the EPA-MACT report option dialog. This information is used by the program to calculate the controlled emissions in the process (provided the respective option is checked).

EPA: Overall Process Data

This section displays information about the overall process (Plant Batch time, number of Batches per year for batch processes, and Operating days per year for continuous processes).

EPA: Emissions per Operation

This section displays the amounts emitted per operation per component from the various procedures of a process. If the respective options have been checked in the EPA-MACT report options dialog, the section displays the amounts of controlled emissions as well as HAPs and VOCs. The calculated amounts correspond to the entire batch.


   For every operation, the temperature at which the EPA-MACT emissions are calculated is displayed in brackets.

EPA: Emissions per Component

This section displays the amounts emitted per component per operation from the various procedures of a process. If the respective options have been checked in the EPA-MACT report options dialog, the section displays the amounts of controlled emissions as well as HAPs and VOCs. The calculated amounts correspond to the entire batch.

EPA: Emissions per Component Total Amounts

This section is always included in the report and displays the total amounts emitted per component from all the procedures of the process.

EPA: Equipment Contents

This section displays the temperature and pressure as well as the amounts of components used in the EPA-MACT emission calculations for each operation in a procedure. The temperatures correspond to the calculation of the uncontrolled emissions.


   The EPA-MACT emissions report can be included in a separate worksheet in the Custom Excel Report. The report is generated using the same options as the normal EPA-MACT report