Emission Limits Dialog

From this dialog you can perform the following:

      Set limits for all pollutant categories as they pre-exist in SuperPro Designer (simply click on the appropriate field and specify the allowable limit for this process).

      Define your own pollutant categories and specify limits for them as well. You can specify up to four additional categories.

►    To define a new pollutant category...

1.   Click on the available check box under the ‘User-Defined Categories’ group.

2.   Type in the name of the new category in the next field and the limit (in kg/h) for that category in the field that follows.


If you changed you mind about deleting one or more components from the databank, make sure you exit the component databank contents dialog by clicking on the Cancel button (or hit Esc). If you exit the dialog by clicking on the OK button, you cannot recover any deleted components.

Once a user-defined pollutant category has been introduced, you can classify any component present in this process file as contributing to that category (see Pure Component Properties Dialog: Pollutant Categories tab).

For more information on how to classify a material under the above pollutant categories, see DIPPR Component Properties.