This dialog is displayed when the user clicks on the Setup button of the following tabs:
● Vessel Operations: Vent/Emissions Tab
● Reaction Operations: Vent/Emissions Tab
● Cont. Stoich. Reaction in a Photobioreactor: Vent/Emissions Tab
● Agitated Tank Operations: Vent/Emissions Tab
● Tray Drying: Oper. Conds Tab
Freeze Drying: Oper. Conds Tab
Mixing & Drying: Oper. Conds Tab
Rotary Drying: Oper. Conds Tab
Note that this button is available only if an operation vents gas and the operating pressure (or pressure control setting, for a “Vent/Emissions” tab) is less than the specified ambient pressure through the flowsheet’s Reference Conditions dialog. Then, a vacuum pump is needed in order to vent that gas. From this dialog, the user may choose among different options for specifying the power consumption of a vacuum pump used for this purpose.
The following table shows a brief description of the variables appearing in this dialog. The table also displays their default values and their generally acceptable range:
Variable |
Default Value |
Range |
● Suction Temp. (oC) |
25.0 |
Positive |
○ Power Type |
<Std Power> |
Any Power Type |
◙ Set Total Power (kW) |
0.0 |
Positive |
◙ Set Specific Power (kW/(m3/h) |
0.0 |
Positive |
◙ Set Power Per Equipment Unit (kW) |
0.0 |
Positive |
○ Efficiency (%) |
30.0 |
(0,100) |
● Suction Rate (L/h) |
0.0 |
Positive |
● Suction Pressure (atm) |
0.0 |
Positive |
● Exit Pressure (atm) |
1.0 |
Positive |
● Air Leak Rate (STP) (L/h) |
0.0 |
Positive |
Symbol Key: ○ User-specified value (always input); ● Calculated value (always output); ◙ Sometimes input, sometimes output
The following list describes the available specification choices in this tab; for more details on how these are implemented, see Vacuum Pump Auxiliary Equipment Calculations.
•Power Consumption Options...
You may choose among four different options for specifying the power consumption: you may set the total power, or set the specific power (which is defined as the total power divided by the total suction rate), or set the power per equipment unit (which is defined as the total power divided by the number of equipment units), or let the program calculate the power consumption based on a selected compression model (see below).
•Compression Model Options...
You may either select isothermal compression or isochoric compression. Compression in a liquid ring vacuum pump is isothermal, while compression in a roots vacuum pump is isochoric.