Labor Type Properties Dialog

This dialog appears when you click the View/Edit button (ViewEditProperties00124.jpg) or double click on an entry in the List of Labor Types Currently Used by the Process dialog. It presents the properties of a labor resource type used in the process. The dialog is also used to view or edit the properties of staff members added to site labor resource types; for more details, see Sites & Resources Databank Dialog.

The dialog contains the following five tabs:

      Labor Type Properties Dialog: Properties Tab: Presents the main property data of the labor resource.

      Labor Type Properties Dialog: Availability Limits tab: Allows the user to specify some physical limits on the rate and/or cumulative demand of the labor resource needed.

      Labor Resource Type Properties Dialog: Comments tab: Allows the user to add comments related the labor resource. Such comments may be useful for conveying information about this resource between different users of the software.