Auxiliary Equipment Properties Dialog: Consumables tab


This tab is part of the Auxiliary Equipment Properties Dialog that is displayed for auxiliary equipment of any type (built-in and user-defined). This dialog can be accessed by clicking on the View/Edit button (ViewEditProperties00180.jpg) from the Process Explorer Toolbar (Aux. Equipment tab) or on any line of the Auxiliary Equipment Listing showing when selecting Tasks } Other Resources } Auxiliary Equipment... from the main menu of the application.

From this tab you can associate consumables (e.g. cartridges, membranes, powers, lubricants, etc.) with the operation of this auxiliary equipment. Sometimes the cost of such consumables can be a significant portion of the operating cost and needs to be accounted for. This tab is very similar to the Equipment Data Dialog: Consumables Tab. For more information on the use of this tab please refer to the documentation under Equipment Data Dialog: Consumables Tab.