Equipment Supplier Properties Dialog: Identification tab


This tab is part of the Equipment Supplier Properties Dialog which is displayed when you view or edit the properties of an equipment supplier in the Equipment Suppliers Databank Dialog.

The tab allows you to store information regarding a supplier, such as the supplier type (manufacturer, vendor, or both), name, address, contact information and comments.


If a company is known only as a vendor (i.e., equipment reseller,) but not as a manufacturer, then you should only check the “Is Vendor?” option.. If the company manufactures equipment but does not sell them directly, then you should only check the “Is Manufacturer?” option. If the company not only manufactures equipment but also sells the equipment it manufactures, then you should check both options.

Note that the supplier can be tagged as “Manufacturer” (only), “Vendor” (only), or both. The implications of such designation is as follows:

Any equipment spec sheet produced by a supplier tagged as “Manufacturer” can be used as reference for spec sheets supplied by vendors (see Equipment Spec Sheet Properties Dialog: Specs Tab). For example, there may be multiple vendors from where a company can purchase a particular type of pump; there is, of course, only one manufacturer for that exact pump model. By allowing all vendor spec sheets to be linked up to the same manufacturer spec sheet for this pump, they all display the same characteristics. Of course, each vendor may have his/her own price that may depend on his/her location (and markup).

Tagging a supplier as "Vendor" will make all of their spec sheets available for allocation to a recipe's equipment resources. When allocating equipment resources to a specific site, if the equipment needed is not there (as site equipment) then one may opt to allocate that equipment resource to a vendor equipment (in other words, equipment that can be purchased by a vendor) (see Equipment Data Dialog: Allocation Tab). Note that equipment suppliers who are only tagged as "Manufacturers" (but not "Vendors") will not have their spec sheets listed and available for allocation to a recipe's equipment resource.