Adding a New Visual Object

In order to insert a new visual object, the Visual Objects Toolbar must be showing. Please see Types of Visual Objects for information on how to show or hide this toolbar. To insert one of the seven types of visual objects available, you will use the first eight (8) buttons of the toolbar displayed in four rows. All these buttons of the toolbar function in somewhat the same way; you click on a button and then use the mouse to either select one or more objects (when the Select Mode (SelectModeBtn.jpg) button was clicked) or create the corresponding visual object. Notice that after you click on one of these eight buttons, the button stays depressed and when you move the mouse over the workplace area, the mouse cursor becomes:

SelectModeCursor.jpg if the Select Mode (SelectModeBtn00001.jpg) button is pressed (‘Select Mode’), or

AddTextCursor.jpg if the Text Mode (TextBtn.jpg) button is pressed (‘Text Mode’), or

AddVisualCursor.jpg if any of the other six buttons are pressed (‘Visual Objects Mode’).

►    When in ‘Select Mode’...

When you are in ‘select mode’, then the mouse cursor changes to a ‘select mode’ cursor to remind you that may go over any object (visual or processing) and click on it, in order to select it. If you need to add other objects in the selection set, you may click on them by holding the Ctrl key down. If you Ctrl+Click on an object that is already selected, then the object is removed from the selection set. If you plan on selecting many objects, you may opt to ‘group-select’ them by drawing a “lasso” around them. The “lasso” can be drawn by pressing the left button on an empty area and dragging the mouse until the rectangle displayed on the screen with a dotted-line as a border is large enough to include all the elements that you want included in the selection set. When you let go of the mouse button, all the objects that are fully included in the “lasso” area will be displayed as selected.

►    When in ‘Text Mode’...

When you are in ‘text mode’, then the mouse cursor changes to a ‘text mode’ cursor to remind you that you are about to insert a text object.

►    When in ‘Visual Objects Mode’...

When you are in ‘visual objects mode’, then the mouse pointer changes to a ‘visual objects mode’ cursor to remind you that you are about to insert a visual object.

Text Object

►    To Insert a Text Object...

1.   Click on the text mode button TextBtn00002.jpg on the Visual Objects Toolbar.

2.      Move the mouse to the location where you want to start typing the text and click.

3.      Notice how the system inserts automatically the string “Text” that is already highlighted so that as you start typing the text is replaced by your typing.

4.   When you are done typing, you may click anywhere away from the object.


a)     During the typing of the text, most of the system services are temporarily suspended (notice how most of the main menu entries are disabled).

b)  The text typed can contain carriage-return characters (i.e., the text can be a multi-line text). Simply hit Enter to insert a new line character.

c)   During typing, you may use the arrow keys to move the cursor. You can select text pieces either by moving the cursor with the arrow keys while holding down the Shift key or by click-and-dragging the mouse. As usual, Ctrl+X or Shift+Del cuts the selected text, Del or Backspace erases the selected text, and Ctrl+V or Ctrl+Ins or Shift+Ins inserts the text kept in the clipboard.

d)     If, during typing, you decide to abort the creation of this new text object, simply hit the Esc key.

e)  You can modify the appearance of the text by editing its style (font specification, text color, background color and frame, see Editing the Style of Visual Objects).

f)    All text on the flowsheet can be viewed and edited in a tree-like structure on the Documentation Toolbar Process node.

g)  A text object can be hidden by right clicking on the text and selecting Hide Text. Once a text object is hidden a Post-It Note icon is displayed in its place postItNote.jpg with a label below it (NOTE-x) (x is an integer number incremented by the number of text objects on the flowsheet. The label name can also be edited). The text can still be viewed as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the icon. Hiding text can help the user un-clutter the flowsheet of very large text objects. The text can be shown again by right clicking the icon and selecting Show Text.


►    To Insert a Line...

1.      Click the Line button DrawLineBtn.jpg on the Visual Objects Toolbar.

2.      Move the mouse to a location where you wish to start drawing the line and click once.

3.      Move the mouse to the other end of the line and click again.


a)  To insert a line that is either horizontal or vertical, make sure that you hold down the Shift key during the mouse move (step 2 above). Then the system automatically draws either a horizontal or vertical line (whichever is closer to the location of the mouse cursor).

b)  If, during the drawing of a line, you decide to abort, then simply hit Esc.

c)   You can modify the appearance of the line by editing its style (line thickness, style, color, see Editing the Style of Visual Objects).

Rectangle, Round Rectangle or Ellipse

►    To Insert a Rectangle / Round Rectangle / Ellipse or Circle...

1.   Make sure the corresponding button is clicked on the Visual Objects Toolbar.

2.      Move the mouse to the top-left corner of the desired location of the object you are inserting (which, in the case of drawing an ellipse, would be the top-left corner of the ellipse's enclosing rectangle).

3.   Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse. Notice how the shape and size of the inserted object follows the cursor as it moves.

4.   When, the object has the desired size, release the mouse button.


a)  To insert an object with fully symmetrical shape (i.e., a square or an ellipse) make sure you hold down the Shift key before the first mouse click (in step 3 above). Then, the system automatically draws a square or a circle (instead of following the mouse cursor precisely).

b)  You can modify the appearance of the rectangle by editing its style (line thickness, style, interior color, see Editing the Style of Visual Objects).

Polyline or Polygon

►    To Insert a Polyline / Polygon...

1.   Make sure the corresponding button is clicked on the Visual Objects Toolbar.

2.      Move the mouse to a location where you wish to locate the first vertex of the polyline / polygon and click.

3.   Move the mouse to the location of the next vertex of the polyline / polygon and click. Repeat until you have created all the vertices of the polyline / polygon.

4.   To end the drawing of the polyline / polygon, double-click to enter the last vertex.


a)     During the insertion of vertices, a right-click will cancel the last vertex inserted.

b)  If during the drawing of a polyline / polygon, you decide to abort, then simply hit Esc.

c)   After you have drawn a polyline or polygon, you can edit (relocate) any of its segment corners by selecting the polyline/polygon and then selecting the Reshape option from its context (right-click) menu (as a shortcut you can simply double-click on the polyline or polygon). Notice that a handle appears on every corner point of the line. You can drag these handles to any location desired.

d)  You can modify the appearance of the polyline or polygon by editing its style (line thickness, style, color, see Editing the Style of Visual Objects).