Report Options Dialog: Energy Tab


This property page is part of the Report Options Dialog which appears when you select Reports } Options from the main menu of the application.

From this dialog you can set several options that affect the contents as well as the appearance of the Energy Report (ENR).

General Options

 You can either use the Default options or Custom options. To customize the general options click on the ‘Customize…’ button to bring up the Report Options Dialog: General (Default) Tab interface. The changes done in general options through this interface will be applied only on the energy report.


Select which of the 6 sections should appear in the report. For a detailed description of what each section contains, see the Energy Report (ENR)

Time Basis (for Duties, Power and Energy Flows)

      All duties (heating / cooling), power and energy flows users have the option to get the numbers in one of 3 choices:
- per year (always available)
- per batch (available only for process whose operating mode is ‘batch’)
- per kg MP (unit of main product - only available if a main product flow is chosen).

      Since the duties and energy flows have values that may be of a wide range, users have the choice to request the values to be shown in scientific (exponential) format:
where, the integer part is always one digit, then there can be any number of significant digits as decimals following the integer part - and that number can be chosen from this interface, and finally the exponent that can be positive or negative.

Units of Measurement for Duties, Power and Energy Flows (Enthalpy)

The units used to report the values for all duties, energy flows and power are the user’s choice for ‘Enthalpy’ as set in the Physical Units and tolerance Options Dialog.