Energy Report (ENR)

The energy report (ENR) can be generated by selecting Reports } Energy (ENR) from the main menu. First off, some terminology: we consider a process to consume 3 types of utilities:

a)  Power

b)  Heating

c)   Cooling

Now the collective duty for each utility type (e.g. “Heating”) is an aggregate of duties carried by individual utility agents (e.g. “HP Steam”, “LP Steam”, “Cooling Water”, “Chilled Water”, “Std Power”, “High V Power”, etc.). In this report, there will be totals presented for each type of utility and each utility agent as process totals and section totals; there will also be breakdowns of totals per section or per utility type or per utility agent.

More specifically, the ENR report contains the following sections:

1.   Utility Type Process Totals: Breakdown by Utility Agent

2.   Utility Type Section Totals: Breakdown by Utility Agent

3.   Utility Type Process Totals: Breakdown by Section

4.   Utility Agent Process Totals: Breakdown by Section

5.   Utility Agent Section Totals: Breakdown by Procedure

6.   Energy Flows per Operation

7.   Energy Flow Balance per Operation

Any of the sections mentioned above can be excluded from the report (if so desired for simplicity). To include or exclude any of its sections of the ENR report as well as a few other options affecting the numbers presented in the report (e.g. window of time the amounts are reported - per batch, per year or per unit product - and/or numerical format for the numbers presented etc.) can be set in the Report Options Dialog: Energy Tab.

ENR (#1): Utility Type Process Totals: Breakdown by Utility Agent

This section of the report will have three subsections, one for each of the three utility types (Power, Heating and Cooling). The process-wide total consumption will be shown and it will b broken down on a per-agent-type basis; for example, if the process engages 3 different heating agents (Steam, LP Steam and HP Steam) the total amount of heating will be broken down to three values each for the corresponding heat transfer agent. The same for cooling and power. Note that there can be multiple power agents (e.g. “Std Power” and “High Voltage”); in that case the consumption for each power agent will be reported.

ENR (#2): Utility Type Section Totals: Breakdown by Utility Agent

In this part of the report, there will be as many subsections as the number of process sections. For each process section, there will be 3 subsections (one for each of the utility types - heating, cooling and power). Each subsection will itemize the contribution of each agent used in that process section and of course, the total for each utility type for that process section will be shown.

this section, the report will present for each stream the following properties:

a)  Name

b)  Source Unit Procedure (or INPUT if it is an input stream)

c)   Destination Unit Procedure (or OUTPUT if it is an output stream)

d)  Activity (U/ml)

e)  Temperature (°C)

f)    Pressure (bar)

g)  Density (g/l)

h)  Component Weight Percentages (optionally as % db if dry matter options are active)

i)    Component Flowrates (incl. Dry Solids, Aqueous and DS% if dry matter options are active, see Enable Dry Mass Options)

j)    Total Mass or Molar Flowrate (kg/h or kg/batch)

k)  Total Volumetric Flowrate (m3/h or m3/batch)

You can instruct SuperPro Designer to exclude from the SR report streams with zero flowrates or to exclude from listing in the composition list ingredients with zero mass fraction. Also, you can directly edit the list of streams included in the ‘Stream Section’ of the SR, by visiting the Report Options Dialog: Materials & Streams Tab (top right box, ‘Stream Section’).

ENR (#3): Utility Type Process Totals: Breakdown by Section

In this section of the ENR report, there will be 3 subsections (one for each utility type). For each type (power, heating and cooling) there will be subtotals as they are consumed by each section. A pie chart can also be displayed to display the consumption of each utility type in each section.

ENR (#4): Utility Agent Process Totals: Breakdown by Section

This section of the ENR report, will feature as many subsections as agents for all three types of utilities. For each section (e.g. “HP Steam”) an itemization (breakdown) will be displayed as it pertains to each process section and of course that total for that agent will shown as well.

ENR (#5): Utility Agent Section Totals: Breakdown by Procedure

This section of the ENR report, will feature as many subsections as the number of agents for all three utility types (same as #4). This time, the consumption of each agent will be shown for each process section and furthermore for each contributing procedure in that section. A percentage will be assigned for each unit procedure that displays the percentage of the total (for the section)

ENR: Energy Flows per Operation

This section of the ENR report will present a table that has as many entries as all the operations in all unit procedures of the process. For each operation (identified in each line as “Procedure Name: Operation Name”) five energy flows (enthalpies) are reported:

a)  Work Duty (Ws)

b)  Dissipated Heat (Qdiss)

c)   Heating Duty (Qh)

d)  Cooling Duty (Qc)

e)  Ambient Losses (Qamb)

f)    Total W+Q (for enthalpy balance)



Ws: Shaft Work positive is work done onto the system by shaft e.g. in a centrifugal pump, or a fan. Similarly, when shaft work is done by the system then the value is negative (e.g. work done by a turbine).

Qdiss : Dissipated Heat term represents a portion of power spent during the operation’s activity that is converted to heat and returns into the system. For example, during agitation part of the motor’s power (that is mostly spent turning the agitator) gets converted to heat that is added to the vessel’s contents.

Qamb : Ambient losses positive represents heat flow from the system to the environment (e.g. when the contents of a vessel are at an elevated temperature and due to poor insulation, as the contents interact through the vessel walls with the environment, their temperature drops). When the opposite happens (i.e. cool contents have their temperature increase due to interaction with the environment) then the value here is negative.

Based on the above: A = Ws + Qdiss + Qh - Qc- Qamb

ENR: Energy Flow Balance per Operation

The last section of the ENR report shows in a table all the terms that appear in an overall enthalpy balance for each operation (in each procedure). The typical enthalpy balance applied to each operation dictates the following:

Hin + (A) + Qrxn + DHother - Hout = 0


Hin : is the total enthalpy brought into the operation by either the incoming streams (used by the operation) and/or the equipment contents at the start of the operation

Hout: is the total enthalpy carried out of the operation via the outgoing streams (manipulated by the operation) and/or the equipment contents left at the end of the operation.

DHrxn : The reaction duty (which is really the reaction enthalpy times the flow of the reference component) where positive indicates an exothermic reaction and negative an endothermic reaction.

DHother : Currently in this term there maybe two possible contributing factors: either
(a) crystallization duty (heat of crystallization times the rate of the crystallizing solute) where positive values reflect a exothermic heat of crystallization (negative) and negative values reflect endothermic heats of crystallization (most common), or
(b) Significant kinetic energy after and before the operation due to significant velocity changes (e.g. in a fanning operation).

Note that continuous-by-nature operations (e.g. pumping, bulk mixing, splitting etc.) do not use equipment contents but directly receive material from input streams and/or deposit material on output streams. In contract a batch-by-nature operation (e.g. Chromatography Load or Elute, a Batch Concentration, a Charge/Transfer In/Transfer Out etc.) receive the equipment contents as left from the previous operation and add to it material from incoming streams, remove material that they add to outgoing streams and in the end, leave the equipment contents altered.