Report Options Dialog: General (Default) Tab


This property page is part of the Report Options Dialog which appears when you select Reports } Options from the main menu of the application.

From this dialog you can set the default options that affect all the reports. These options will apply to the reports if in the respective reports interface (Options) you choose ‘Use Default’ for the general options.

Export Format

From this drop down list box the user may select the export format type. Pro-Designer supports the following formats for the reports:

      Excel (Fully Formatted)

      Excel (Unformatted Data)






      Preview (this format is for quick viewing and printing only, it can not be edited) (Default)

Numerical Format

You can select the symbol for the decimal and the thousand separator. You can also specify the number of decimal points for the different variable categories that are listed.

Material Name Format

You may customize the way the name of materials will appear in the reports. It applies to all reports which contain material names and you may select what information to include in the name by clicking on the ‘Name Constituents’ button to display the following drop down menu option checklist:



Click on the “Include Charts” check box to have system generated charts included to the reports.

Page Appearance

      You can select whether to omit, display on header, or display on footer, the page numbers, the date, and the logo.

      You can either use the default subtitle or specify your own subtitle. The default subtitle (“for <FileName>”) will automatically copy the filename of the project file into the reports. This default subtitle could be modified to include additional information, such as “Final Results for the <FileName> process, as verified by John Smith”. If the filename in this scenario was BetaGalactosidase, the first page of each report would include the statement “Final Results for the BetaGalactosidase process, as verified by John Smith”.

      You can insert additional Header / Footer text.

      You can force a page break after each report section by clicking the ‘Force Section Page Breaks’ check box.

      You can place each chart on a separate page by clicking the ‘Place Charts on Separate Page’ check box.

You can make use of background color by clicking on the ‘Use Background Colors’ check box.