MateriaLS & Stream Report (SR)

The materials and streams report (SR) can be generated by selecting Reports } Materials & Streams (SR) from the main menu. It contains the following sections:

1.   Overall Process Data (always)

2.   Material Requirements

3.   Stream Details

4.   Overall Component Balance

5.   Equipment Contents

The first section of the materials & streams report (overall process data) is always part of the SR contents. All other sections may be included or excluded from the report (at the user’s discretion and using settings displayed in the Report Options Dialog: Materials & Streams Tab)

SR: Material Requirements Section

This section of the report presents a cumulative account as well as detailed (section-by-section or even procedure-by-procedure) analysis of material requirements for the process. When you request to see material demand broken down per material and per procedure, please be advised that when dealing with a rather large process (over a hundred steps) this section can become excessively large. Opt to see the demand broken down by section instead. The material demand may include material used as ‘Raw Material’ only (i.e. part of input stream classified as ‘Raw Materials’, or material consumed in any other possible mode (see Entering Material Consumption Classification).

SR: Stream Details Section

In this section, the report will present for each stream the following properties:

a)  Name

b)  Source Unit Procedure (or INPUT if it is an input stream)

c)   Destination Unit Procedure (or OUTPUT if it is an output stream)

d)  Activity (U/ml)

e)  Temperature (°C)

f)    Pressure (bar)

g)  Density (g/l)

h)  Component Weight Percentages (optionally as % db if dry matter options are active)

i)    Component Flowrates (incl. Dry Solids, Aqueous and DS% if dry matter options are activeEnable Dry Mass Options)

j)    Total Mass or Molar Flowrate (kg/h or kg/batch)

k)  Total Volumetric Flowrate (m3/h or m3/batch)

You can instruct SuperPro Designer to exclude from the SR report streams with zero flowrates or to exclude from listing in the composition list ingredients with zero mass fraction. Also, you can directly edit the list of streams included in the ‘Stream Section’ of the SR, by visiting the Report Options Dialog: Materials & Streams Tab (top right box, ‘Stream Section’).

SR: Overall Component Balance Section

In this section of the SR report the application will present an aggregate amount for each component that enters or leaves the process (by any means). Material present as equipment content (at the beginning and the end of the batch) will also be included in the totals, even though the next section is dedicated exclusively on equipment contents.


Besides the standard form of consuming material through input streams (and exit the process via process output streams), sometimes material enters the process without the presence of an input stream (and leaves the process without the presence of an output stream). For example, several operations may engage the use of some material agents directly from their i/o simulation dialogs (e.g. CIP, Gas Sweep, etc.) For most of these operations the same amount of material that enters the process also leaves the process (during the same operation) thus not affecting the overall mass balance. There are some (rare) exceptions: for example, it is possible for the cleaning agent set at a CIP step to take with it any left-over vessel contents (if so specified at the operation’s i/o simulation dialog); also, the sampling operation may actually remove a (small) amount of material from the vessel contents (even though there’s no stream shown to hold it).

At the end of the overall mass balance section, the sum of all material entering and leaving the process, as well as their difference is displayed at the bottom right corner. Since no mass is lost in any of the unit operations supported by the program (no mass to energy conversion anywhere) the difference between the total amount of materials entering and leaving the process should always be zero. In processes with recycle loops, it is possible to encounter situations where that difference between total input and output is non-zero (usually a small number). This is typically attributed to round-off errors during the loop convergence as part of the simulation calculations. If the scope for your simulation demands more accuracy, then it is recommended to tighten up the convergence criterion for recycle loops (i.e., reduce the allowed tolerance) and/or switch from total flow based convergence to component-flow-based convergence (see Recycle Loop & Tear Stream Options Dialog or select Recycle Loop & Tear Stream Options from the flowsheet’s command menu).

SR: Equipment Contents Section

The last section of the stream report, presents information about material found as equipment contents at the beginning of the batch, during the progress of the batch and at the end of the batch. This table displays a description of each operation step, the liquid volume contents and the vapor phase in mass units with an asterisk, to indicate that the vapor phase contains material other than oxygen and nitrogen. Since vessels typically start with air, this could be an indication of material leftover and thus accumulating from batch to batch and should be avoided.