Granular Media (GM) Filtration Procedure


A Granular Media (GM) Filtration Procedure can be created by selecting the following menu option:
Unit Procedures } Filtration } Granular Media



Operating Mode

Continuous or Semi-Continuous

Host Equipment

Granular Media Filter

Emissions Port (Vent)


Special Input/Output Ports





This unit procedure simulates the performance of a continuous or semi-continuous granular multi-medium filter. Design and rating modes of calculation are available. The flow of the solvent is adjusted by the filtration operation. Therefore it must be a process-input stream and not the output of another procedure.

Special Inputs / Outputs

      Feed: the designated input port for the feed stream.

      Wash Input: the designated input port for the wash stream.

      Wash Output: the designated output port for the wash stream.

      Filtrate: the designated output port for the filtrate.


The following operation types are currently supported in the context of this unit procedure:

Filter, see Specification Choices / Comments

Hold, see Holding

Note that operation Hold is only available in semi-continuous operating mode.

SEe Also

The following procedures offer a similar functionality:

Plate and Frame Filtration Procedure

Rotary Vacuum Filtration Procedure