



Size / Design Variable

Volumetric Throughput or Body Diameter

Costing Variable
(Built-in Model)

Volumetric Throughput

Costing Variable
(User-Defined Model)

Volumetric Throughput in m3/h

Emissions Port



Centrifugation in a Hydrocyclone Procedure

A Hydrocyclone is used to represent an equipment resource typically used to host a cyclone procedure with a main objective to carry out a separation and removal of solid particles from liquid in a suspension. The procedure can be executed in a batch or continuous mode.

The interface of this equipment has the following unique tabs:

      Equipment Tab, see Hydrocyclone: Equipment Tab

Geometry Tab: if sizing is based on throughput, see Hydrocyclone: Geometry Tab (Based On Throughput); if sizing is based on body diameter and inlet velocity, see Hydrocyclone: Geometry Tab (Based on Body Diam. & Inlet Vel.); if sizing is based on body diameter and dimensinless analysis, see Hydrocyclone: Geometry Tab (Based on Body Diam. & Dim. Anal.).