Transfer Out: Oper. Conds Tab

Variable Definitions, Ranges and Default Values

The following table shows a brief description of the variables appearing in this tab. The table also displays their default values and their generally acceptable range:


Default Value



Transfer Out Using Port / Stream
Indicates the output port that is connected to the transfer out stream. If an output stream is already present at the selected port, then the button next to the selection is active. Click on the button to bring up the attached stream’s simulation dialog in order to provide the composition of the material being charged.


Any Output Port

Percent (% of vessel contents)
The amount (in mass) of material that is transferred out expressed as a percentage of vessel contents.



Mass (kg)
The amount (in mass) of material that is transferred out. Note that the amount is scalable.



Volume (L)
The amount (in volume) of material that is transferred out. Note that the amount is scalable.



Setup Time (min)
The amount of time (per cycle) spent before each operation is carried in preparation for the actual execution of the operation. It may involve actions like cleaning, vacuuming, setting up of equipment, etc. which the user opted not to model explicitly.



Process Time (min)
The actual duration of the operation.



Mass Flowrate (kg/h)
The rate of transfer of material (on a mass basis). If the number of units is greater than one, then this rate represents the mass transfer rate per unit.



Volumetric Flowrate (L/h)
The rate of transfer of material (on a volume basis). If the number of units is greater than one, then this rate represents the volumetric transfer rate per unit.



Ignore Labor?
Check this box to ignore labor for this operation. This option is used only if the process time is set by a master-slave relationship.



Symbol Key: User-specified value (always input); Calculated value (always output); Sometimes input, sometimes output

Specification Choices / Comments

The following list describes the available specification choices in this tab; for more details on how these are implemented, see Transfer Out: Modeling Calculations.

Transfer In stream...

You must always select a transfer out stream. The transfer stream must be one of the output streams of the procedure that this operation is participating. Multiple transfer out operations can use a transfer out stream. In such a case, if you visit the dialog of that stream, you will see the sum of all materials transferred using that stream.

Duration options...

The duration of the operation can be calculated by the following ways:

a)  Set directly the user

b)  Calculated based on a user-specified transfer-in mass or volumetric flow rate, or

c)   Tied up to another operation or operation sequence by exploiting the Master-Slave relationship. If you introduce a master-slave relationship, the program will match the setup time, the process time and the turnaround time of this operation (the ‘slave’) with the corresponding times of the reference operation (the ‘master’ operation). For more details on how to setup a master-slave relationship, see The Scheduling Tab.

See Also

      Pull Out