Operating Cost Adjustments Dialog: Utilities Tab


This tab is part of the ‘Operating Cost Adjustments’ dialog of a process section; for more details, see Operating Cost Adjustments Dialog.

Variable Definitions, Ranges and Default Values

The following table shows a brief description of the variables appearing in this tab; for more details on how these are implemented, see Utilities Cost. The table also displays their default values and their generally acceptable range:


Default Value



Power Type
The name of a power type consumed in the selected section.

Name of Listed Type

Any Text

Power Unit Cost ($)
The purchasing price of the corresponding power type.

Value of Listed Type


Power Demand (kW-h/yr)
The total demand for the corresponding power type in the selected section.

Value of Listed Type


Additional Electricity (kW-h/yr)
An amount of additional electricity demand for a selected power type.



Power Type for Additional Electricity
The name of a selected power type from the list of available power types in the Power Types Databank for additional electricity is specified.

<Std Power>

Any Text

General Load (% Total)
An amount of additional general load demand for a selected power type; it is expressed as a percentage of total demand for that power type in the process.



Power Type for General Load
The name of a selected power type from the list of available power types in the Power Types Databank for which a general load is specified.

<Std Power>

Any Text

Electrical Power for Unlisted Equipment (% Total)
An amount of additional electrical power demand for a selected power type in order to account for unlisted (overlooked) equipment; it is expressed as a percentage of total demand for that power type in the process.



Power Type for General Load
The name of a selected power type from the list of available power types in the Power Types Databank for which an electrical power for unlisted equipment is specified.

<Std Power>

Any Text

Agent Name
The name of a heat transfer agent utilized in the selected section.

Name of Listed Type

Any Text

Agent Unit Cost ($)
The unit cost of the corresponding heat transfer agent.

Value of Listed Type


Agent Demand (kW-h/yr)
The total demand for the corresponding heat transfer agent in the selected section.

Value of Listed Type


Symbol Key: User-specified value (always input); Calculated value (always output); Sometimes input, sometimes output

See also:
