Operating Cost Adjustments Dialog: Lab/QC/QA Tab


This tab is part of the ‘Operating Cost Adjustments’ dialog of a process section; for more details, see Operating Cost Adjustments Dialog.

Variable Definitions, Ranges and Default Values

The following table shows a brief description of the variables appearing in this tab. The table also displays their default values and their generally acceptable range:


Default Value



Estimated as % of Total Labor Cost (TLC)
Check this box to include a lumped estimate (as % of TLC) in the calculation of a section’s Lab/QC/QA cost.



% of Total Labor Cost (TLC)
The percentage of a section’s TLC that corresponds to the Lab/QC/QA cost for that section.



Detailed Estimation
Check this box to include a detailed estimation in the calculation of a section’s Lab/QC/QA cost.



Fixed Cost ($/yr)
A fixed cost for QA activities.



Test Name
The name of a test type carried out.

Test #1

Any Text

# Tests/yr
The number of tests of the corresponding test type carried out per year.



Cost ($/test)
The cost per test for the corresponding test type.



Symbol Key: User-specified value (always input); Calculated value (always output); Sometimes input, sometimes output

Specification Choices / Comments

The following list describes the available specification choices in this tab; for more details on how these are implemented, see Laboratory / QC / QA Cost.

‘Estimated as % of Total Labor Cost (TLC)’ option...

If this option is checked, the calculation of a section’s Lab/QC/QA cost will include a lumped estimate calculated as a specified percentage of TLC for that section. By default, this option is checked.

‘Detailed Estimation’ option...

If this option is checked, the calculation of a section’s Lab/QC/QA cost will include a detailed estimate calculated as the sum of a fixed cost and of the costs of different types of tests listed in the available table. By default this table has zero rows (test types). To add a row to the table, click Create/Add New (AddNewButton00104.jpg). To delete a row from the table, click on the row number and then click Delete (Delete00105.jpg). For each added test type, you can specify the test name, the number of tests carried out per year and their unit cost. By default, this option is not checked.

See also:
