Simulation Control Toolbar

The simulation control toolbar (The simulation control toolbar.) is shown by clicking on the Show/Hide Breakpoints button (Chapter800043.jpg) on the main toolbar or by selecting View } Simulation Control } Toolbar from the main menu. The buttons on the toolbar may or may not be active


The simulation control toolbar.

depending on the state of the simulation engine. The simulation engine can be in three possible states:

1.   Idle: The status bar will indicate the message: “Waiting for simulation to start...’

2.   Running (Auto): When no breakpoints are set (or they are all deactivated), the simulation engine will run on ‘automatic control’. In other words, the order of calculations is set (see Partition & Sequencing) and the calculations proceed from beginning to end without any user intervention.

3.   Running (Manual): When a breakpoint is met, the engine gets into ‘manual control mode’. It pauses and awaits the user’s next command as to what to do. In that case, the buttons available on the simulation control bar come into place as they can be used to instruct the engine what to do next (see below).



Active when the simulation calculations have not been started yet. Clicking on the button will initiate the mass & energy (M&E) balance calculations; it is equivalent to clicking on the same button on the main toolbar or selecting Tasks } Solve M&E Balances from the main menu.



Active when the simulation has been paused due to reaching a breakpoint. If you click on this button, the simulation engine will restart and it will pause again when either another breakpoint is encountered or the end of the simulation calculations has been reached



Active when the simulation calculations have on-going or they have been paused due to reaching a simulation breakpoint. Clicking on this button will stop the simulation engine and abort the calculations without going through the procedures still unvisited in the simulation order



Active when the simulation engine has stopped due to reaching a breakpoint, and the stop location is right before (upon entry) of a unit procedure. Clicking on the button will force the engine to go through all the calculations in the procedure (without stopping anywhere) and then pause upon exiting the procedure



Active when the simulation engine has stopped due to reaching a breakpoint and the stop location is right before (upon entry) of a unit procedure. Clicking on the button will force the engine to step into the procedure’s calculations, and execute the auto-init (if active) or execute the first operation’s solution.



Active when the simulation has been paused and the stop location is somewhere inside a unit procedure (i.e., right before an operation) and there is at least one more operation in the procedure’s queue that has not been solved yet. Clicking on the button, will force the engine to go through the calculations of the next operation in the current procedure’s queue and pause again.



Active when the simulation engine has stopped due to reaching a breakpoint, and the stop location is right before (upon entry) of a unit procedure. Clicking on the button will force the engine to go through all the calculations in the procedure (without stopping anywhere) and then pause upon exiting the procedure.



Active when the simulation has been paused and the stop location is somewhere inside a unit procedure (i.e., right before an operation). Clicking on the button, will dictate the simulation engine to continue through all the calculations in this procedure, solving all operations in the queue, and then it will pause upon exiting the procedure.



Active when the simulation has been paused and the stop location is anywhere (before, during or after a unit procedure). It will restart the engine and force it to stop right before entering the next procedure in the order of calculations.



Active when the simulation has paused (due to a breakpoint) and there’s a single selected procedure that has not been visited yet by the simulation engine. If clicked, it will restart the engine and force it to stop right before entering the calculations of the selected procedure (provided no other breakpoints forced the engine to stop prior to that). It amounts to setting a ‘once-only breakpoint’ upon entry of the selected procedure.



When pressed, the application displays under each procedure the status of calculations in the procedure at the time that the simulation engine is paused (after reaching a breakpoint).



If pressed, then the application will display the breakpoint indicators (SimBreakActive00045.jpg for active breakpoints and SimBreakInactive00046.jpg for inactive breakpoints) over the procedures where they are set.