Section Resource Allocation Dialog: Labor tab


This property page is part of the Section Resource Allocation Dialog. This property page serves two purposes:

1.   Displays in a check-box a check mark for the section that is the ‘main’ section of the active branch. The ‘main’ section cannot be deleted from the branch.

2.   Allows a process section to be allocated to a database site, switch allocation site or become un-allocated (see below).

Specification Choices / Comments

A process section by default is assumed to have available all resources owned by a hypothetical site (generic site) and therefore it starts as un-allocated. From this tab, you can associate (allocate) a database site to this section. To do so, click on the “Allocate to database site” button above. Then the drop-down will be populated with all the sites currently defined in the User Database. For information on database sites and how to populate the User Database with descriptions of database sites, see Sites & Resources Databank.