Process Documentation (Description)

Besides the drawing of a process, it is often required to maintain other information about it that may be required to be kept in the lifetime or evolution of the process. The application allows you to keep some of that information about the process itself (just like it allows you to keep commentary about specific procedures, equipment resources, operations, etc.). The process-related comments can be set from the Process Description Dialog. This dialog appears when selecting Edit } Process Options } Process Description from the application’s main menu or by selecting Process Description from the flowsheet’s context menu. The dialog that appears, allows you to set several fields with names (Company/Client, project name, plant location, revision number, etc.) as well as dates (approval date) and extensive commentary on the process that may be important to preserve for future (or other) viewers.


Besides keeping comments about the entire process (as part of the Process Description dialog) you can also keep comments around every object involved in the process: unit procedures, operations, streams, components, mixtures, equipment resources, sections, etc. When viewing the properties of any of the above objects, look for a tab labelled ‘Comments’. You may type any text that you wish to be kept for archiving/documentation purposes in association with any of the above objects.