Process Description Dialog

This dialog appears when you select Edit } Process Options } Process Description... from the application’s main menu or Process Description... from the flowsheet’s context menu.It allows you to save some extra information related to the process for documentation and archiving purposes. For more details, see Process Documentation (Description). Most of the field are used to create a record when exporting this process model to the Process Library(see Adding a Process Record (or Exporting a Process Model) to the Databank).

Specification Choices / Comments

Main Author / Assistant / Supervisor / Company / Project / Revision / Plant:

Each property should be a single-line string that holds information pertinent to the process as captured by the process file.

Date Created & Date Last Saved:

Presents two dates related with the original creation of the file and the date that the file was last saved by the application (not the same as the “Last Saved” date as a file on your disk).


A text of any length can be kept in this field. It is supposed to provide documentation and/or details about the process so that they can be shared by others viewing this file.


A list of keywords that you wish to be associated with this file when exported to the Processes Databank.

Record Name:

When this file is exported to the Processes Databank a new record will be created to represent it in the databank’s main catalog. This field will keep the name suggested to be used when the export happens. For files that are already under the management of the process library (therefore they reside under the Process Library Root Folder) this field is not editable (as the file is already committed to the databank). For files not yet committed (deposited) to the process databank, this field is editable.