View Locations where Resources are Used Dialog

This dialog is presented when you click on the View Locations Used button (ViewLocationsUsed00086.jpg) on any resource table or Process Explorer Toolbar. It shows a list of locations (operations, streams and/or procedures) where a resource may be engaged.

Specification Choices / Comments

The contents of this dialog are for viewing only (there are no user-editable values).

It presents a list of entries, each representing a location where the selected material enters in the process. Please note that material enters the process as:

a)  Ingredient on a process input stream (classification of origin depends on classification of input stream)

b)  Specification on an operation’s i/o simulation dialog (e.g. on a CIP operation); classification of origin depends on the role the material plays in the operation’s modeling.

c)   Heat Transfer Agent (if material consumption has been associated with the agent)