Power Charts & Tables

Power Demand & Power Generation Chart

You can view in a chart the detailed rate of consumption for a given power type by selecting Charts } Power } Demand } Single Batch (Power Demand Chart (Single Batch)) or Charts } Power } Demand } Multiple Batches (Power Demand Chart (Multiple Batches)) from the main menu of the application. In a continuous process that contains batch procedures the same chart can be displayed by selecting Charts } Power } Demand } Selected Time Horizon from the main menu. Before the chart is presented, you will be prompted to choose a power resource amongst all power resources. Optionally you may specify what to see on the chart and edit the style of the chart.

Besides the actual consumption rate curve, users can chose to see at on the same chart the following lines:

1.   A time-averaged consumption rate line (averaged over a user-specified periodic window); for example, users may be interested in seeing the consumption rate of a given buffer in 8-hour average values.

2.   A cumulative amount line: Amount total may be of interest when considering inventory capacity. Users may also specify a time period after which the accumulated amount gets reset to 0.0.

The style of the consumption chart dictates exactly which lines will be plotted. As part of the chart’s style you can also specify the rate units and the amount units to be used for the chart, as well as the visual characteristics of the lines (color, thickness, etc.) The time-line parameters used (absolute vs relative time scale, minor/major intervals & gridmarks, etc.) are, by default, those kept by the process document. They can, of course, be customized for the consumption charts if needed. the chart’s style can be changed through the Power Chart Style Dialog.


The unit choices for plotting rates and cumulative amounts are ‘remembered’ by the application in association with the power resource being plotted. In other words, you can specify a set of units to be used when viewing power-A (e.g. kW for rate and kW-h for amounts) and a different set of units to be used when viewing power-B (e.g Watt and kcal). On the other hand, the rest of the properties of the graph style (line characteristics, time line properties, etc.) will be used for all power charts (regardless of the power resource chosen).

For the basic common services offered by all time charts (setting the number of batches, zooming in/out, adjusting the time scale, copying the chart as picture, copying chart data to Excel, printing, etc.), see Material Consumption & Material Output Charts.

The counterparts of demand charts are the output charts. Such charts available only if there is a power generating procedure in the process. The output charts can be generated by selecting Charts } Power } Output } Single Batch (Power Output Chart (Single Batch)) or Charts } Power } Output } Multiple Batches (Power Output Chart (Multiple Batches)) from the main menu of the application. Also in a continuous process that contains batch procedures the same chart can be displayed by selecting Charts } Power } Output } Selected Time Horizon from the main menu. Before the chart is presented you will be prompted to choose a power resource.

Just as in the case of consumption charts, besides the rate curve, you can choose to include a time-average rate curve and/or a curve tracking the cumulative amount produced. The settings for which lines included in the chart along with visual choices for the lines as well as the time-line characteristics are all part of the style of the chart. The chart’s style can be edited through the Power Chart Style Dialog.

Power Demand Table

The process keeps a detailed log of all power resources present. If you wish to have a direct view of all the power types present currently, you can open the process explorer and pick the ‘Util’ tab of the Process Explorer Toolbar. This tab will present a quick reminder of all the power resources registered.

If you are interested in seeing the total demand for powers then you should visit the dialog shown when you select Resources } Power Consumed. from the flowsheet’s context (right-click) menu or Tasks } Other Resources } Power Consumed from the application’s menu. The List of Power Types Currently Consumed by the Process that comes up will itemize all power types currently registered in the process, their total demand (per batch or per year), their price and total cost.

If you are interested in tracking down the locations and rates where a given power resource is being consumed, then select Resource Demand Breakdown } Power from the application’s main menu. This will bring up the Power Demand Breakdown dialog that presents in a tree-like view (with top nodes each power) the demand for each power and how all the exact sources where they are needed.

Power Production Table

In order to view total outputs for power resources generated by the process, please visit the dialog shown when you select Resources } Power Generated from the flowsheet’s context (right-click) menu or Tasks } Other Resources } Power Generated from the application’s menu. This will bring up the List of Power Types Currently Generated by the Process that presents in a list all generated power types currently registered in the process, their total output (per batch or per year) and their selling price or waste treatment cost.