Number of Batches Dialog (All Multi-Batch Gantt Charts)


This dialog appears when you select Set Number of Batches from the context of any of the multi-batch gantt charts (operation & equipment gantt charts).

When a multi-batch gantt chart is chosen, the default number of batches (Nb) shown is calculated as follows:

Nb = 1 + [BT / CT], where

[BT/RCT] is the rounded up integer ratio of the recipe’s batch time (BT) divided by the recipe’s cycle time (CT). The number is chosen this way, so that even if a larger number of batches is chosen, all future batch graphs will always have a pattern that can be mapped within this chart (with some offset). In other words, Nb as calculated above, is the minimum number of batches necessary to chart, that will capture all possible batch interactions.

After exiting this dialog, the underlying chart will be refreshed to display the specified new set of batches.

For information on the right click context menu of this chart, see Context Menu.