List of Material Supply Storage Units Tab


This tab is part of the dialog that presents the list of storage units.

This list presents all the material supply storage units registered for use in the process. From this tab you may add, edit or delete material supply units.

      To add a new supply unit click on the Add button (AddNewButton00155.jpg). You will presented with a dialog that allows you to enter the property data for the creation of a new material supply storage unit.

      To view the locations where this Supply unit is utilized click on the View Locations Used button (ViewLocationsUsed00156.jpg). This will show a list of all locations where the storage unit is used (see Locations where Material Supply Storage Unit is Used Dialog).

      To edit existing supply units first select a supply unit (will show as highlighted row) and then click on the View/Edit button (ViewEditProperties00157.jpg) or simply double click on the row. You will be presented with the same dialog used for adding a new supply unit. From here you may edit the name, the material supplied, availability limits and inventory data.

      To delete an existing supply unit select it by clicking on its row, and click on the Delete button (Delete00158.jpg).

For details, see Material Supply Storage Unit Property Dialog.